After last year’s experience growing photos in the desert, I’m switching to autos. My plan is to grow in soil, probably FF. I learned from my first grow and I won’t be in any hurry to fertilize, but I plan to use my stock of FF ferts this season.
I plan to start four autos as early as I can and will also do a fall planting or two. We didn’t have a freeze until late this year so I can grow to the end of November.
I have some photo seeds left over from last year, so I will start four photos probably in June instead of March like I did last year.
I’m an outdoor northern AZ grower. I got months to wait before I start anything. But I’ve decided to grow a few autos in with my photos this year. I got gg4 but there gonna be photos. I got the auto snack mix. I’ll keep an eye on your grow and see how it works out for you.
Lows are still in the 30s here but the days are in the 70s. Last year I started my seeds on March 1 and kept them under lights when they weren’t outside until the overnight lows warmed a bit.
All-right fellow Zonians, I did an experiment. Started plants close to 2 months ago indoors under lights/phototron 18 hrs light. Last two weeks they have been out doors all day, then they go back under the lights inside from 6pm to midnight.
Three days ago I transplanted and now they’re to big to be inside. Put them in my small green house where I have a 200 watt chicken light that runs from dusk til dawn. Its too cold without it. Will they go into flower with such week light? I think I see some pre flowers, any opinions are greatly appreciated. They are supposed to be photoperiod seeds from ILGM.
Hoping these honeys make the transition and can go full outside with out any extra light around May 1