Autoflower light cycle?

Specifically I have some White Widow auto seeds I purchased here.
I read online that more light the better. Even a 24/0 as the best.
For these WW auto genetics, what is the best cycle?
They are 5 days old under 24/0 LEC light currently.

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First let me say…Welcome to ILGM everyone in this forum are awesome people and will be more than happy to help you if they can.
I put some information below by MacGyver this guy and Latewood run the show here and are very knowledgeable in this field. Hope this helps.


Auto-flowering strains will automatically start budding after about 2-3 weeks regardless of the light schedule they’re given.
18/6 or 20/4 light schedule is used. 18/6 is the best.

Auto-flowers have a very short vegetative period, it is only about two or thee weeks, maybe 4, and this does include the time immediately following germination, however there is not a change in the photo-period from veg to bloom, or normally this is not needed nor desired. Most people seem to agree 18/6 or 20/4 are the best photo periods for autos, start to finish, and of course some people do believe in using 24/0 with autos, but whatever light cycle you choose, most agree keeping it the same throughout every day of the entire process is best. .

No, absolutely not, you can not top or prune autos. Low stress training is the only training autos will tolerate, any stress is very likey to induce an auto to start flowering right then and there.

Happy Growing,



I was considering 24 hours for the first two weeks and then either 20/4 or 18/6?

18/6 is the best. But it’s entirely up to you. Best of luck.


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Thanks for the advice!

No problem, that’s what the forum is all about. Helping each other.

B Safe

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Thanks again.
Fortunately I live in California where I am legal to grow 6 full size plants.

Well that’s even better…lol
I’m n Tenn from Seattle. I should have stayed…lol
But that’s ok…
Keep us posted on your grow best of luck.


Wow Will…talk about culture shock. From blue to crimson red. LOL.

Ya…pretty wild brother… but it’s all good. I visit Seattle every 4 -5 yrs. Lots of friends out there. May even move back one day who knows…lol


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I run 16/8 , but I started with 18/6

I grew my WW autos under 18/6. I got too much foliage. I am going to use a 24/0 * photo period next time.

  • I have always been against any photo period l;onger than 18/6, as everyone knows. However; IN my uncanny ability to read a plants mind (LOL). I really feel that I would have had a better yield and denser buds if I had used 24/0 for my suto grow.

I agree with you Latewood , but that was my issue as well , having to much foliage , and they was not building trichomes as I thought they would do , so I read where longer dark periods make the plants go into a safe mode and they build resin trichomes as a way of protecting them from extended dark periods , so I tried it and the results was evident that something happened different from 18/6 to 16/8 . Than I even extended the dark period to 14/8 and they really started building resin rapidly . But my amnesia haze is really putting on the wieght and the resin to be an auto , and the blueberry is not budding at all , they both sprouted at the same time , been under the same 800 watts of LED lights , and all the same feeding and watering base on the Lucas formula you tagged me in a while back , and I thank you for that , but I even trimmed some of my foliage on both plants , scared that it would stunt them being auto’s , but actually they did not show no signs of stress after trimming . Now I didn’t get snip happy , but cut what was needed to get light and air moving under the plants .

But that dosn’t make sense. If 18/6 you get to much foliage. It would seem to me that if you would go or switch to 24/0 you’re going to get even more foliage.
Maybe if you go 16/8m. All I know is what I have learned here and commsence.
For example …if you water your plant’s at night then lights out.
Next morning…still soaking wet nothing happens, but do the same thing with lights just turned on… a few hours later they look like they need more water. That’s because nothing happened while the plant rest’s.
Dose this make any sense. Do use to me.

In my opinion only , 18/6 worked great for my auto’s , and 16/8 worked , but 14/10 is what started the resin production , are the plant was at that stage when I decided to change it , which convince me it was the light schedule. Now 24/0 is wha I started with , but only the first week . Than to add my blueberry is still not budding , so I’m all the way confused , unless it’s a regular fem plant is the only thing I can think of right now . But in the seed shop Amnesia Haze auto details says , from seed to harvest 56 days , which is 8 weeks from start to finish , for a minute I thought either one would finish in that time frame , but now the Haze has budded massively in the last 2 weeks and the trichomes are all milky with a few Ambrose trichomes , so I figure in the next week are so it can be harvested , on the other hand the blueberry looks like it’s still in veg and only showing pre-flower bud sites , but not budding at all , just a few white pistil sticking out but know buds , which I’m totally lost . It’s a female plant for sure , so since the haze is in its final stages , I set the light schedule to 10/14 like I did my last grow , hopefully that will force the blueberry and I turned off the blue and white spectrum off on my Advance XTE lights and running the Reds and UV only , only time will tell if it will bud at all , which really sucks balls , because it was the one plant I was banking on to produce and it’s quality and medical purpose I was hoping for and it looks like it’s gone take longer .

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Ok I see what your dilemma is…your most concerned is the blueberry right? And it’s a auto right? Please
Read this Yoshi…

Auto-flowering strains will automatically start budding after about 2-3 weeks regardless of the light schedule they’re given.
18/6 or 20/4 light schedule is used. 18/6 is the best.

Auto-flowers have a very short vegetative period, it is only about two or thee weeks, maybe 4, and this does include the time immediately following germination, however there is not a change in the photo-period from veg to bloom, or normally this is not needed nor desired. Most people seem to agree 18/6 or 20/4 are the best photo periods for autos, start to finish, and of course some people do believe in using 24/0 with autos, but whatever light cycle ) ing you choose, most agree keeping it the same throug:;Âżhout every day of the entire process is best. .
Now every strain is different so take note of the fact
that your not growing where they did their studies on the particular strain and results will differ big time. Only on an absolute perfect grow like they grow could you ever achieve what they say "YOU COULD " and we all know that’s not going to happen…or well it?

BE Safe


Right that’s is exactly right Garrigan62 , but for one auto to thrive and thee other not , the only thing I can assume , it’s a regular feminized seed . I’ll post the photos in my thread , (first time grow amnesia haze and blueberry auto’s ) and than you will see the difference .

Yoshi, something to keep in mind, it is a autoflower blueberry hybrid, this means they had to breed regular blueberry with a ruderalis to try and get the offspring to be both blueberry in properties as well as having the autoflowering ability, and as you know, when you grow from seed, sometimes you never know how the genes are going match together, and maybe this particular seed just didn’t get the autoflowwer genes activated and for whatever reason it is taking after its regular blueberry ancestry more than its ruderalis ancestry, not necessarily that it is a regular seed that got mixed in.


Right , I also considered that , but I have no knowledge of breeding and how it works , that’s way beyond my education . I had my fingers crossed for the last week , that you would intercede on this curiosity of mines , but while I have your attention , can I just switch it to a normal flower schedule and it will produce ? Which would be excellent for the plant being it will have the whole space to itself after the haze finish in 2 weeks . I appreciate your response and again I really appreciate you and the wisdom you give , I was going to start digging in Intel on that , but I’ve been extremely busy with the holiday and shopping , so have not had the time to read up on the subject of how , or what and why it could have happened . But in no way I was stating that I received a bad seed are bashing the service , it was just a thought of what if , but in case that will work out better in my case , since my space is so limited .

Think about it like the one odd child that looks nothing like either of its parents but for some reason really takes after some great aunt or uncle. Even with the best back breeding for consistency, sometimes you might end up with a odd wild child.

And yes, if it doesn’t start flowering on its own, then yes, it may very well need a flowering short day light cycle to get it to flower as its great aunt did, lol. And in that case it sounds like your plan should work fine.
