Auto trichromes, never knew this. Thoughts?

Showing some close up photos of my auto trichomes to a friend of mine today. The man has extensive experience growing autos. Actually all he grows. He told me something that kind of freaked me out.

He contends that not all auto trichomes, esp if they’re sativa dominant, turn amber when ready. In some cases they do something different.
They turn milky, and rather than turn amber, the cap of the trichomes separates from the stem, but remains attached to the stem. Very similar to a mushroom when the cap separates from the stem.
He says when this occurs the plant is ready to harvest, just as if the trichomes were amber.
Has anyone else heard this?


I can confirm your freind is correct :+1:
Sometimes autos will just never get much amber it seems no matter how long you let them go.
Had a couple sativa dominant autos flower for 14weeks and never saw but a few :man_shrugging:


Interesting, but when you finally harvested them, how were they? Was the potency ok, or had it deteriorated?

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So they aren’t trash, but honestly from my experience they aren’t fire like others :man_shrugging:
They aren’t bad, but I like a more couch lock so it could just be me.

So the potency wasn’t what you like? I understand. But, was it because you may have waited too long looking for amber trichomes, or could it have been that particular strain. Or a combo of both.

Very good question that I can’t give a confident answer to unfortunately :confused:
All of the above sounds very logical to me :man_shrugging:

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Learned something new!

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I seen this said by a few members on here before. Im still a newbie so I have no experience to say.

Same with me. I’ve grow a lot of photos, but this is my first serious auto grow. I’m patiently waiting for amber trichomes, now I realize they may not come.

Glad to read this! Nice there was a confirmation post too.

@Ambertrich heres a thread you may be interested in seen you asking about autos.