Auto skittles not flowering

Hi growers been a little while since last post… Iv flipped my skittles as she grew fast then just stop n now just keeps growing.
She been on 12/12 for around week now and I’m still not seeing hair signs can any1 help me out or any advice in wether to cut loses and get rid, she on 8wk and no hairs supposed to be auto??


Some auto take a little longer than usual she looks healthy so just hold in the buddy


Yh she’s healthy just don’t know how much longer can wait as need to start next lot…
Surly I’d be seeing some sort of pre flower, like I say we on week 8 going on week 9​:man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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Honestly bro patience is a virtue she will do her thing when she’s ready


Much appreciated :+1:t2::+1:t2:

jesus thts huge, look how mines going lol, shes already showing pistils so unless she decides to do some growing doesn’t look like ill get much

id say yours will be worth the wait, looks like when she does flower she gonna put out some nugs

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Oh, it’ll happen. Just wait it out. When it starts it’ll probably go fast. It’s healthy.

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What light schedule did you have them on before? 24/0? I wouldn’t expect to see any “buttons” at only 1 week from changing the light, but if you had them on 24, could take longer to transition.

I had her 18/6 thought I wud of seen pistols a lot earlier as she grew so fast n now she just wants to grow…

She is looking really healthy, maybe got a photo seed, and with photos, it usually takes about 10 days to show the transformation. I believe it’s about ready, if your on 12/12. Good luck.

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Some plants take up to 2 weeks for full transition. You should see some pistils in about 4-5 more days. As long as the timer setting is correct. I would double check the times to make sure it’s on and off when it’s supposed to be. It’s happened to all of us at some point.

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Times are defo right as I do on n off myself, I will defo leave her and see how we go for the feedback I’m getting much appreciated.
Will report back next week give use growers a update on how we doing much love ppl👍🏻

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Doesn’t look like an auto to me. Keep it at 12/12 and you should see buttons soon