Yes. Within a day or two i wIll ned to repot @BigItch . Got my soil and pot ready. Measures 12" to the tops. 4 " to the bifurcation.Ive got about 4" of stem to bury. Will make for a stronger stem. LST pending delivery of bend devices. Bought 30 to try them out. U see your stake job. Great idea. @MeEasy , @JiggaMan1987, @OGIncognito
Thanks again
I’m out of likes but those will work great. I actually want to get those metal ones for the very beginning stages of LST. That’s how u train the entire plant whereas I’m only training the branches once they’re long enough
@JiggaMan1987 those stakes are just fence ties for holding fence to the bars… like $5 at home Depot or Lowe’s.
Start em early and by 5 weeks you’ll be looking like this
Bet, Im outta likes but I was wondering where I could find those. Good looking out bro forreal. I’m gonna hit Home Depot tomorrow
I use metal tent stakes for training this is what I have… seen others using landscape staples and heavy gauge electrical wire I like this idea because of the rubber coating protects the plants and a roll of wire is cheap compared to other options
Branch benders have arrived. Disappointed that they are all just 90° angle. First, buy American. Secondly, buy adjustable model. BEWARE! The adjustable only comes with 10 pieces. 5 large, 5 small. The 90° angle came in a 30 pack.
Depends on how many you need. Plastic. But, well designed to last a LONG time.
One of our growers here on the forum @CoyoteCody makes these and many other tent accessories if you add “3d” to his name and search ebay he has a store on there. I’m going off my memory for the ebay store name but since I tagged him he’ll stop by here and if im wrong on the name he’ll fix it , my old brain isn’t very reliable anymore
Much appreciated @MeEasy
Not gonna lie had to go check, but you are correct. Thanks brother!
Hey man, @MeEasy ever find that ebay link for the LST pieces? Updated photo from today
There’s not going to be hardly any yield on that auto imo because there’s no foliage
We’re not allowed to share links so we have to give clues on what to look for lol the guy that makes them is @CoyoteCody and if you add “3d” to the end of his name on eBay you should find him or he answered us up there I tagged him again so he will probably stop and talk to you
I cant post a link, but you can just search for my name on ebay and it will bring up my store on there,
Hey man. Bought some others like yours. Was chatting in a forum. Someone saw what i had and told me about you (vety discreetly). Found your shop @CoyoteCody . Sent you out an offer. So many cheapos out there. Also buy American. Good luck, man. Ill try to send you business, man.
Its jus
t a baby from seed @Bluntsmoke 1st autoflower. I do OUTSIDE photos. This auto is all new to me. I understand they dont like to be trimmed. Getting close to where i would trim. What do you think, man.
I appreciate the support!! Ill get them out today!
Great news. Nice job! Good luck, Happy Grow.
@OGIncognito what do you mean here by top at the 6th and go back to the 5th
Just meant grow enough above the 5th node to top leaving a 1/4” nub above the topping. Some wait until the node above has growth to top the node below. I typically top above the 4th node but slow growers or shorties I’ll go above the 5th