Auto-flower parameters?

Do you have a thread with all your auto experience on here? Good looking grow! How big is your tent? Ive only done photos but plan on growing autos soon, Im nervous about flowering catching me by surprise.

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@Razzledazzle look up dirts second offical grow i think that has everything copied and pasted to it

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never mind i cant find it ill upload them onto my continuous grow journal

I grow high thc some only available in Photo. I also grow outdoors so I like photo
for that

I have grown alot of autos as has @Not2SureYet
What were you wondering about genetics, normally I would read up but I’m on vaca for another handful of days so time is limited but I would. Love to help.

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I started with the white widow it seemed forgiving for a beginner.

I started with autos and still mainly run them. yields for me are almost the same auto or photo.
I started with autos because I liked the light schedule. For a new grower. it is hard to beat. mostly, because I was always looking at them plants. Even on there dark cycle :roll_eyes:
Now, having done both. I see why it is recommended to start with photos. They are super forgiving if you have any trouble at the start. I got lucky and autos seem to like me. :grin:
The truth really is. Autos are super forgiving. “in coco” I have made mistakes and had the autos seem to extend there veg time to make up for it. :grin: I still do mainly autos. @Royc, There are a lot of high thc auto strains, the tangerine dream is 25% the Critical purple is 27% Most are in the 20% range. Some breeders seem to have all low thc numbers. There are a lot of strong breeders out there for autos though. There are a hand full that I have had great luck with.
Ohh, you can flip on a 12/12 and go back to an 18/6 with out issues. if you saw the notes for my first grow. You would wonder what i was thinking. I must have tried every light schedule I could think of in that grow. And still did well. I have found. A longer cycle at the end of the grow seems to give me a little denser buds. There are a lot of great growers here that can help yoou with about any question you can think of :grin:


this is my first grow all autos, your experience sounds alot like mine. whats the secret light schedule lmao

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@Dirt, I am not sure there is a special schedule. I run a 18/6 to start. And about 5 weeks in. I change to 16/8. Then once I see actual buds. I go back to an 18/6. My buds seem to be tighter with more light at the end. I have ran a 12/12 all the way through. And still go over 11oz from one plant. I will be doing a Train wreck on an almost all 12/12 this grow since I will all ready have a photo in flower next to it.


Thanks for all the good info. I was attracted to the fast start to finish time (8 weeks)of the autos, like many here. So because flowering will start automatically, am I best to try growing using continuous 24 hrs of light? I’ve read that 24 hr light it possible with autos. Will 24 hr light maximize vegetation before flower, or just the fastest time to flower? Will continuing with 24 hr light maximize bud density, or just provide fastest harvest time? Trying to grow an auto like a photo seems imho to kinda defeat its purpose, unless fast harvest is not the number 1 factor in growing an auto. Anyone ever use a 24 from start to finish?

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If you are planning on one of these finishing in the 8 weeks some put out there. You may be dissapointed. I have only found one strain. A Zkittles auto that was any where what they stated for one of the fast strains. I have a Pink kush that says it is a 63 day from germination, so 9 weeks. I am on week 11 right now with another 3, probably 4 weeks to go. it should finish on the 15th of this month from what they say. I will more than likely be the 27th of next month. All that I have done are like this. I plan on at least 14 - 17 weeks start to finish on any autos I do. Soil users may finish sooner. I still average 6 to 7 week vegs on my autos. I don’t mind since I like big plants. I have just learned to add an extra 3 weeks to my grows so I don’t bottle neck things be thinking that spot in the tent will be free early. If it finishes early. That is a bonus for me. :grin:

For lights. I have never tried more than 18 hours on. I believe the plants do need time to wind down and recharge. Doesn’t mean I am right there though.

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Why have you never tried more than 18 on an auto? I can understand if you’re not available to monitor and care for the plant several times a day, but for me that has the time to micromanage I think it’s worth a try. I am seeking fastest auto time possible.

@Shabby no autos are 8 week plants lol they take between 4-6 weeks to go to flower then theyre in flower for 8+ weeks. i was misled and thought the same thing lol i thought i was gonnna be flippin buds every 2 months… dont work like that till you get a cycle going lol good luck buddy


Just wanted to let you know that there are a few seed companies that advertise seedlings to harvest in 7 to 9 weeks. I didn’t believe it either. @TommyBahama was the one that informed me about Mephisto and Night Owl that sale autos that supposedly finish that fast. Also a company called Sweet Seeds that advertise something called Fast Autos. He did say that he had never grew any to confirm it. What got this conversation started was @PremiumBudzBlondie was growing autos from Mephisto that advertised 7 weeks. I know that her autos did fairly well but didn’t finish in 7 weeks. Probably more like 10 or 11 weeks. :+1:


I wonder if that was in reference to the shortest (Sour Crack, 4-Assed Monkey, 3 Bears OG) 60 day strains, because I’ve done LOTS of Mephisto grows, just not those. Or maybe the post was from before I started using them. Anyway, I grow lots of their 65-day strains and can confirm they are dead-on (typically within 3-5 days) of what they say the total growth period is.


OK, I had remembered the conversation. Wasn’t completely sure about details. I was definitely surprised that it was even possible. That’s the best thing about forum, being able to get info from people who have actually experienced just about anything that comes up. :+1:

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I have a friend doing a Mephisto plant. I will watch his to see. But for me. I take their 65 day seed to harvest as a 65 day flower. Mt zkittles was with in 3 weeks of what they said. None of the others I have done were even close. There may be a few out there that are closer. I just wouldn’t plan a grow around what they say as accurate.

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