Are these trichroms ready for harvest

Hello, I just took some new photos of my girl and I was thinking that the trichroms look a little cloudy. Am I wrong?

Kinda hard to tell, but really it’s your call , do you want a couch lock high or a get up and move high?

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Definitely not ready! You have at least 4-6 weeks to go before harvest, but everything depends on how you manage your grow /plant.
This is ready for harvest!
I see some bugs on your leaves so be careful with them


@M4ur that’s a really nice looking tent you got there , very nice. :clap::clap::clap::clap::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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A small homemade grow box (2x2x5)!


Thank you for the advice.

I want a get up and move high. :sunglasses:

I thought it was a bug too, but its not. Thanks. :smile:

Ok then your looking for all cloudy none to very little amber tricons. But again it’s very hard to tell from your pics you really need a jewelers loop. My advice would be harvest a bud , dry it and try it. You’re gonna have to try it at different stages to know where you want what. It sucks but it really is a live and learn kinda thing.


If I do try some, how should I dry it?

Just let it set out at room temps for 2-3 days. It will taste like crap because it not cured correctly.

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One other thing that you should look at is the fact that your plant is actively putting out pistils which means flowers are starting that you can’t see yet. @M4ur picked up on that and I agree.

It would be nice to see a higher magnification shot and a couple of overall shots of your plant in natural light.


Those are baby flowers. You have ways to go still. At least a month and that’s on the short end.


Newbie here… Which do you get if you harvest to soon? Couchlock or get up and move?

Maybe whit nothing. Probably a little buzz if you will smoke 3-5g. So I will say again…whit nothing!


That’s about what I was thinking that it was to soon.

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I have a pocket microscope on the way.

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It’s a handy tool to have. Inexpensive and another way to maintain control.

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Too soon you get nothing really witch is all clear tricons, all cloudy get up and go do something, lots of amber tricons set on the couch and …

How much amber to get desired couch lock very s from strain to strain.


I tried a few buds, and I was very impressed! :grin: I will wait :disappointed_relieved: until I can see almost all cloudy before I try again.

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