No they are plastic see if I can find a picture
if you look at what my little red humidifier a setting on I know it’s a horrible picture I have to get on Amazon and see if I can find it you can actually see it underneath better than I thoughtI bought them in October of last year and they are currently unavailable they’re called shelf baskets 12 inch by like 16 inch 1 inch tall
@Hogmaster. Got it , thx !
Sorry I didn’t get back to you, just got out of the Hospital for testing. Won’t have the biopsy answers until next week.
I actually keep a large dish under the pot with a small bottom from another plastic pot upside down in the box for watering. When I use my big tent, I bought a 18 x 36 inch plastic cement mixing pan and use that with a spacer under it. Most of the time I just take her out to the bathroom and use the tub. The guest bathroom tub works great for feeding and flushing.
@TxGrowman, thx Jerry, hope your feeling ok and thx for getting back to me. Silly questions about growing take a back seat to one’ s health. Wishing you health and happiness brother!