Have fun everyone. Entries are open. Read the rules and entries close the 21st at 11:59pm. Good Luck to everyone. Peace, lw
Pending March BOTM, here is my April entry-
Girl Scout Cookies Extreme Auto, grow outdoors
Order #412329
(Note my all natural aphid defense on left of plant)
@NavyVet420…I don’t think you can keep entering the same bud/strain.
4a. In order to re-enter ILGM Bud of the month contest; Winners must enter an entirely different plant and strain in order to be considered for prizes in future contests.
@Grundo Only if that bud had won a previous contest. If you don’t win, you can keep entering same picture.
*unless rules have changed.
@latewood…I guess we need some clarification.
@NavyVet420 is correct.
. In order to re-enter ILGM Bud of the month contest; Winners must enter an entirely different plant and strain in order to be considered for prizes in future contests.
Whoops…I need my glasses…I missed the key word ”winners”…lol. Carry on folks, there is nothing to see here.
@Grundo that is why my post says Pending March BOM contest. If by some miracle I won, I would delete it from April BOM.
And if you win, you have to wait 2 months before participating in BOT again. After 3 wins, you can no longer enter.
entries are closed. We will get a poll up asap.
I am surprised that there were no more entries since 15 days ago. Oh well. May contest will be posted by tghe end of next week.
Peafce, lw
It is preferred thta you do not enter the same bud over and over. If you didn’t win with that bud, you probably are not going to win with that bud.