I recently harvested my photo granddaddy purp. Good dense nugs, but I fought aphids like a mfer. They appeared in late veg. I used captain jacks couple times a week right before lights kicked off. I was left with so many pests they were visible. I did a bud wash and while trimming used compressed air to blow them off. Under inspection with my loupe, I’ve seemed to gotten nearly all of them.
My question is where did they likely come from?
I grow in a tent in the garage. I do take the plant out of the tent just outside garage to water (no contact with other plants) and full disclosure I started this plant outdoors (bc I didn’t have my tent yet). Is it most likely that’s when the plant picked them up?
Getting ready to start a couple more plants and want to avoid repeating if possible. I’ve wiped down the tent with h2o2 and some rubbing alcohol. Cleaned out my humidifier really well (lots of carcasses in the tank).
Any thoughts or help from this community appreciated.
A good rule of thumb I have found is prevention over fighting them. That said there are many organic formulae preventative/repair sprays on the market. Many useable up to harvest day. This is my go to.
That is a sample bottle. Makes 1 gallon. The company stopped selling the sample so from them you buy a regular size. This stuff is amazing. Tri band. Miticide/fungicide/insectcide. Usable to harvest day. Prevents if used before an infestation. DEVASTATES after an infestation. Will knock down anything in days. Just a suggested product that has served me well a few years.
Adult aphids fly and will seek out plants with new growth. If the plant was exposed to the air for any length of time, aphids can infest it. It only takes one female aphid to create a huge family in a week.
You can put a plastic container under the stem with aphids on and gently tap the stem. The aphids fall into the container and you can freeze them to kill them. If you have pet finches or fish you can feed the aphids to them.
Lady bugs will eat aphids and you can buy them online. They take a couple of weeks to clean up the aphid problem but you don’t need chemicals.
They are a pita. I like lady bugs as they keep them in check. If you want a spray there are many to choose from. I like Azamax during veg. I do not like spraying anything during flower. I have also found some strains are way more suseptible to bugs, molds, wpm, etc. The Grand Daddy Purple
( outdoors) that I grow didn’t like any of those
Ive been a fan of using Venerate CG (Bio insecticide) as both a foliar and soil drench, when ised it the soil it is uptaken by the plant and acts systemically to help prevent pest problems, especially aphids. Its my go too for greenhouse, outdoor and indoor.