What’s schedule are you guys running , I was told to wait till June 1st but plants seem to be happy
Haven’t even started seeds yet. Yours likings good. What are you growing?
We had a frost May 20th in the north east, I’m still bringing mine in and out. Hopefully one more week and the weather breaks
Nice set-up my brother, nice
Threw the seeds out around middle of February and wifey watered them in around the end of March …
Just letting them do whatever…
Gonna take clones for indoors…
Just pheno hunting…
Something new im trying this year…
Heres a current pic from today…
They have been dealing with temps around 95 to 105 degrees lately…
Temps will start kickin ass here shortly…
Ill probably have to put some sort of shade over them at some point when i get up in the 120’s …
I just put two plants outside today in their big girl bags. Due to under watering my seedlings had a very slow start and six died. Need to drop some autos as replacements since our growing season is short and I do not believe any photos dropped now could get me the yield I need to supply the family for a year.
@Ozark How are you going to stop them from revegging?
They are Autos. I never had any trouble before. Although they never seem to finish as early as they claim.lol They just made the transition from stretch and started getting some orange hair this week.
Guessing by the 510 in your name you’re in the Bay Area…this weather has been so up and down. I started growing in March, put the bigger plant outside mid April when we had a small heat wave and then just committed to it being outdoors through good and bad.
Smaller one went outside about two weeks ago.
Yours is looking happy outside right now! Can’t wait to see how it grows.
Nice beautiful girl you have there
nice. What size pot are you using?
The first and the last pictures are of gorilla glue 4 and the middle picture is Bruce Banner she stands at 49 in and is 47 in wide.
Those are 7 gallon
Ok, I thought they were photos. I been bouncing a few autos around myself.
Thank you.