I’m wondering if anyone has any real scientific information on the process of curing bud. I’ve read all about it and have a good grasp of the basics(slow dry/ 55rh/ air out occasionally for aerobic bacteria) but I’d really love to have a deeper understanding of everything that’s going on. There is so much bro-science when it comes to this topic so I’m sure I’m not the only one with questions. I figured this thread could potentially help many growers.
Not sure there’s a ton of science behind it. Aerobic bacteria and enzymes break down the left over nutrients, sugars and starches so they don’t get left behind in the bud making it harsh and unflavorful.
I’m not sure what you mean. There is science behind everything. Science is just the process of figuring out how/why things work. I’m just curious what enzymes bacteria and processes are involved, why is 55% the optimal humididty,why does curing stop if it drys out too much even if you add moisture back in.
I understand the general concept of curing but for me results are always hit and miss. I’ve found that if I dry the buds until the small stems “snap” I don’t get a good cure. I’d just like to expand my knowledge because 1)its important and 2)everyone has something slightly different to say about it ranging from burping jars for 2 hrs to burping jars for 10 minutes. Or if you grow well a cure should be 2 weeks max to cure should be 2 weeks minimum no matter what.
Im with ya I like reasons for things makes me understand my actions more.
I’m the same way @DankGunslinger I like to understand why what I’m doing works
Oh, you’re looking to get deep into it. This is an article I have saved that has gone about as deep as I was wanting to get into it. The author is an owner of a cannibus research and development company. (If the link isn’t allowed, I’ll remove it)
Awesome man I’ll give it a read. Thank you!
Thanks…Good read.
great stuff @BobbyDigital thanks for the post. bookmarked for further reading.