Advice on when flowering might start

Hi Guys

New to all this and this is my first grow

Started of with a bag seed and going well

Switched from veg to flower 12/12 24 days ago and shows sex which is female I believe

Any ideas how long after preflowers show till flowering starts



It usually takes 2-3 weeks after switch to 12/12. A close up of the plant in question in natural light would help to see better. And welcome @Scubadoo.
But if an auto then they will flip on their own time line independent of light schedule. :v:


Thanks will get some better picks


Thanks will take some better pics later and there not autos as now 12 weeks old


Welcome to the best forum around… someone else around here will.dig the name… @Lostscuba

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Thanks mate

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So got some pics in natural light

I question whether this is actually a girl

Any help welcome

Sorry camera didn’t want to focus

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Looking like she may develop into a sweet darling

Awesome so she is a lady ?

Any ideas really not sure as 24 days since switch and no hairs ?


Still can’t say for sure yet. May have to give her a bit more time to show true colours. Peace for now @Scubadoo :v:

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She’s a lady. And 10-12 weeks. Depending on strain… but in another week u should be into flower fully

Second look. U cant really tell. Take a pic of that top ‘crotch’ area


Sadly turned out to being male

I bet 10 gs that it’s female lol u trying to steal my name ???:face_with_monocle:

Hi ya

Not wanting to steal you name lol

You recon shes a lady 24 days now no hairs .

Love it to be female

Going to give her 3 more days then get her gone

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Scuba scuba doo, where are you?

Looks all female, to me.

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Hi ya

I’m a long way away

Cant really say where as not allowed to grow here

Can’t explain why she has not show yet any ideas


Do i take it you Scuba ? @lostscuba

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Thanks for the advice @elheffe702 @LoCoRock @Oldguy @PurpNGold74 @Lostscuba

Any ideas why so late flowering if a female

My first grow in over 20 years

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Patience young Jedi. Your gonna be a hard one to convince come flowering time! LoL I can see it now - 5 weeks into flowering & ready to chop. Lmao well never get 12 weeks outta ya!


Looks like balls to me

Going to leave it a while

But pretty sure she is a guy!


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