Adding microbes with nutes

Hi all it has been a while since I’ve asked any new questions but here we go this round I’ve been using Big Foot mycorrhizae with my grow I also use Jacks 321 formula for nutes my question is can I do my typical myco soil drench but also mix nutes with the myco together and if so is there any specific way they should be mixed like nutes first then mycos or vice versa btw I’m using Big Foot Mycorrhizae Gold if that makes a difference @Myfriendis410 @Covertgrower

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The way I mix microbes in, is always last. I’ll
Mix everything I need first, then add anything else.

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Mykos and microbes are 2 different things.

I use granular mykos and add it when I am filling my pots by layering in a half-cup or so in with the soil.

Microbes (such as Urb) are added when watering to increase nutrient uptake.


Perfect i wasent sure if they should be mixed together or not sense so many people say that salt based nutes kill microbial life also do you ph your water before adding microbes or after and one other question what do you use to feed your microbes I hear black strap molasses from multiple people but I don’t have any lol I am in FF soils btw

Yea i was using it to shorten the word up is all I use Big Foot Mycorrhizae not Mykos brand

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I’m not sure how much of that to believe either. And maybe I’m completely in the wrong. I think it all works the same.
I’ve had great success with molasses, although I didn’t use any this round, it’s definitely helps feed the microbes.

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I don’t believe it lol is there anything else around the house that could be used to feed microbes besides molasses I know they feed off of organic mater hell I got plenty of dog shit in the yard LMFAO


I’ve always heard/read that microbes are added last, even after the water has been Ph’d to the proper range. I read that the Ph up or down, one or the other(weed brain moment!), would kill off tons of the microbes but once mixed and stabilized a lot less carnage ensued. LOL!

I also read that honey is a suitable replacement for molasses. Not 100 on that - I’m just starting to learn about microbes and their use. Currently using Mammoth P to aid in phosphorus uptake during rooting and flowering. I guess I should find out if Mammoth P needs to be fed, and what they recommend.



dog piss is good for your plants, but not poo

the molasses feeds the microbes via sucrose.


Had a question about this, the soil I am using came with live microorganisms in it, what solution of molasses to water should I use, and how often? So far my plant is almost to week 3 and I just transplanted, and so far I haven’t needed to add any nutes, and shouldn’t need to for at least another couple weeks as she has 3gal of new soil to draw from.

Why would pee be better than poo I mean you would have to compost to poo first in order to use it but how pee?

ohhhh man let’s go down the urine path!

urine has a ton of nutrients that plants love. but it had to be fresh, so don’t start pissing in a bucket just yet.

you can dilute it and use it as a foliage spray (1:20) for insect control.

urine has NpK of approx 7-5-12 (you see all sorts of numbers on google) and is basically free nutrients. seriously go piss in your plants and they will like it.

urine is an excellent organic source of water soluble nutrient. once you get over the yuck factor.

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then why does dog pee typically kill out grass and other plants?


The pee is a liquid so can be immediately absorbed but will need to dilute it a lot, the poo I would greatly avoid as carnivore poo carries all kinds of nasty stuff in it like worms and parasites that will kill your plant.


anecdotally, on walks my dog would always piss on one of my neighbors bushes, and not the other. i don’t know why. apparently all the neighborhood dogs would piss on that one bush, and ignore the rest. well that bush that got peed on was a monster and the other one was looking small.

so in your case, i don’t really know why your dogs piss is killing your plants. maybe you feed it battery acid or something (kidding!!)

i don’t have the same experience as you. now some grass is extremely sensitive and i could see how dog piss can kill certain grasses.

there’s a ton of research out there in the organic farming world about urine. i’ll try to find some that i can easily put up over here.


1st off I don’t intend on using any dog pee or poop was just curious, haha and as far as pee killing stuff I don’t have that issue in my yard at all my yard is full of hundreds of hostas some plants die from them peeing on them but the majority don’t have an issue at all my dogs are also on a completely raw diet so id expect there by-product to be pretty rich in certain nutrients I’m starting to learn organics cause id like to switch in the future to a more organic-based grow

Every feeding or every other one. I use about 1tbs per gallon.


Awesome, thanks for information!

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Grass has a different nutrient intake as how it’s root system is developed, each blade is connected to a larger root system, think of their branches underground. This is much like bamboo, my nutrients I use for bamboo are completely different from what I use for cannabis. It takes very minimal nutrients to kill plants that are like grass, so any concentrate added to grass type plants is enough to kill them that day, the best I found was diluted nutrients for trees worked best to feed my bamboo.

I do the same with my run off from plants, I dilute another 1:4 and feed that to my grass which has been working quite well.


Can mykos be used in flowering?