Hoping I can get some advice from anyone thats used the AC Infinity sekf watering bases. Their experience using them, how and what they used for feeding nutrients etc. Thanks
They’re pretty new so likely not too many on here yet using them. Autopots now…
@Lacewing uses them.
Im getting some autopots in the next few months, can you tell me is it worth going with spring pots vs their standard plastic pot?
I am currently using ac infinity self watering bases. I use natures living soil with natures living soil girl flower power as a top dressing and also gaia green flower top dressing. I only have to add water once every 3 days into flower. So far so good. I’m on my first grow myself. So I don’t have a ton to offer. But you could check out my posts to see how my plants are coming out while using them.
I bought two of the two pot XL’s with the new bases and airdomes: ran them for two grows with okay yields. Last winter and this current grow I ditched all of that and am using 5 gallon fabric pots in coco and saw better results.
I’ve been using the ACInfinity self-watering bases for one of my current grows that’s just a few weeks from finishing.
I also use AutoPots so I have experience with both, so I’ll tell you what I have found out.
The ACInfinity bases can be used with any growing medium. My current grow is with in Fox Farms soil. I’m gone five days a week so I probably use them a little differently then most, but what I do is top feed until I get runoff, then fill the base with an additional 3/4 gallon of water to allow the plants to go 5 days until I get home and water again. I like the ACInfinity bases because I can use any nutrient line I want, including some of the multi-part product lines. Allows for experimentation. By using only water in the bases there isn’t a big buildup of sludge.
i use the AutoPots with coco so I can control the feeding from day one. I use a very clean nutrient line with the AutoPots so I don’t have sludge buildup and clogged lines. Only 3 parts for the entire grow. Not as much experimenting with the AutoPots but I prefer them to the ACInfinity bases. Downside, 4 AutoPots XL now cost $300 where 4 ACInfinity bases cost $60.
Sounds good OrganicMechanic, so with your top dressing organic fertilizer how much are you watering from the top when you do top dress? Im assuming only a smaller amount and only when your feeding your ladies?
Ok so not using liquid nutrients with the AC Infinity watering bases then. Im assuming you’re only topdressing roughly 3 times if using already amended soil so once in vegetation once kicking into flower then another time mid flower? Do you find the watering bases do and effective job keeping the girls happy? Alot of top watering to compensate? Any issues with roots going into wicks of bases? Thanks
I have been watering from top down once a week to get those top dressing nutrients down to the living soil using 64 ounces of water per plant. Then I fill the self watering bases until full. I don’t put any nutrients in the bases. I’m sure some nutrients leech down into the base.
I started in soil only giving RO water and cal-mag until the leaves started showing nitrogen deficiency then I started feeding weekly using liquid nutrients on Sunday nights before leaving on Monday morning. I have two plants (5 gallon pots) and they split 10 liters of nutrients or a little over a gallon each. I plan on getting run off. I add another 3 liter water (+ cal-mag) to the base to make sure the plants don’t dry out before Friday night when I return home and give them 2 liters water (+ cal-mag because or RO water). Without the ACInfinity base they would not be happy on Fridays when I get home, so at least they are content if not happy.
The roots will grow into the wick, but since the wick keeps drying out, it self prunes the roots. As soon as you lift the pot the roots come loose. I suppose if you kept the base continuously full then the roots might grow into the pot, but that would require elimination of top feeding and the plants would have to be feed from the base. I suppose that would be another way of using the base, but doesn’t work in my situation.
I like that the spring pots are shorter but fishing the plastic is so much easier.
Thanks Michgrower appreciate the info. Still debating if I want to top dress with organic dry nutrients or find some liquid nutrients.