A few basis questions

This will be my first outdoor grow in Vancouver BC. I am ordering White Widow seeds now. Do you recommend Autoflowering or Feminized?

@Niala would be a good one for this I think @Donaldj would as well, I wanna go on a limb and say probably photo periods depending on strain, id wait for their response.

Dont know if Niala will answer its his birthday

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Hi @Jenntee Do you want to harvest earlier than the fall? If so Auto’s would work. If you want to grow them until the end of the season then the photoperiods would be a better choice. Outdoor in BC is tough. When are your last and first frosts?

I would go with an auto flower myself simply because the rainy spring and fall weather basically same as growing in Washington Indica would be best otherwise auto flowering which is safer Indicas are more mold resistant and get lots of rain in Van

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First frost: beginning of November
Last frost: End of March.

I figured I’d germinate in April, plant in May. Is that too late?

March 22

Hi @Jenntee Do you want to harvest earlier than the fall? If so Auto’s would work. If you want to grow them until the end of the season then the photoperiods would be a better choice. Outdoor in BC is tough. When are your last and first frosts?

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If I got fem. seeds, I figured I’d germinate in April and plant in May. Worried about the rain, though. It’s unpredictable. We can get a LOT of rain in June.

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Can you grow outside under cover? That would reduce the impact of rain on your plants, although it might only be a factor toward the end. If you containerized them it would provide you with more control over what happens to them. If you can acquire a grow light you could also get a head start on your plants by germinating now and bringing them outside in a month or six weeks. Personally I would choose feminized over auto.

The other question I would ask is when your area sees 12 hours of daylight. That should be a factor in your grow because if the plants haven’t finished by the first frost you may have a problem.

Probably ok to do that. To tag us add the @ in front of our name like @bob31

Thats valid as well. You need to see if you get 60+ days of 12/12 light before the frost. If no then that could be an issue. @Niala is a good person to have here on the discussion as well!

Well, we are apparently getting 12 hrs now. Sun rises around 7am and sets around 7:30pm. Around the end of October it’s the same. And first frost happens around the beginning of November.

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You may have to use autos unless you have a way to control the day cycle earlier or protect your plants from frost damage.

@bob31 @Donaldj @Myfriendis410

Thanks everyone for your opinions and tips. I think I’ll go with Auto this time. It’s my very first, so I’ll go with the safest option first.

That might be your best choice this time around.

Yeap @Majiktoker, was hangover today , I am just recovering :wink::grinning:

So, @Jenntee, I am a Canadian grower too, even if we live in a very different climate and even if I am living in the East part of the Country, Southern Québec to be more precise…

So, I think I can help you :grinning:… Your climate is more humid and with less higher temperature, generaly speaking … In your part of our wonderful country, temperature rarely goes above 25 °celscius , however, you have a longer growth season, but, be advise that cannabis plant need to be planted outdoor at the same time as tomato plant can, please, just follow this simple rule :wink::grinning:

Also, choose a strain that will be resistant to mold, since you are living in a pretty high humidity environnement… So, a fast growing auto flowering strain is a good choice and any strain that can grow in humid environnement is too, I think that any Afgan strain will do good… But, hey, I never grown in your part of our country, so, I only give you a very safe advise…

Hoping that’s helping you Jenntee, …

~Al :v: :innocent:


I thought so thank you for popping in when you could I wasn’t about to say any more other than you may be able to help I was gonna leave sharing location to you, so thank you for helping this fellow grower


You’re welcome @Majiktoker… It’s gone a be sleep early for me tonight, lol :wink: :innocent: … Thanks for tagging me, it mean a lot to me, my friend :grinning: :+1: :ok_hand:, like it always do :innocent:

I’m just hoping that my suggestions will be helpful :wink: :innocent: :v:

~Al :v: :innocent:

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Absolutely my friend it is as always tought me something new :+1:

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I live in Northern BC grew up on Vancouver Island Northern Lights was always best strain for the coast but you end up with early harvests most years or finishing in green house. Living where I do now our last frost is end of May and first mid to end of Sept I am familiar with Vancouver weather conditions reason I recommended Auto’s

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I do not dispute that my friend, If I recall well, Nothern Light as Afghani genetics in it :wink::grinning:

So, an Auto Northen Lights will be a good choice for your part of our wonderful country :wink::grinning:

~Al :innocent: :v:

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I’m an indoor grower myself so always photo I like playing mother nature if I had the land would plant a few outdoors and finish indoors

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@Niala Thanks! Going with White Widow Auto

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