I was hoping to get some advice and clarification given my inexperience level. I will be building a grow box for about 2-3 plants I went with White Widow(autoflowering) and opted for some Gold Leaf(fem). The grow box will be constructed of PVC and Panda Film with a small 4 inch fan build into the box for air circulation. My quandry comes in the lighting I went with a 600W LED(https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01871AG5M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and in looking into how to properly utilize distance it from the plants over the lifespan of the grow, Iâve read that being too close to the plant can cause damage via bleaching and Iâd like to avoid that if possible. If anyone could advice me I would appreciate it.
That light wonât work. It really only pulls 125w. Itâs in the description
Itâs not that it wonât work, you just might need 4 of them to get what kind of yield YOU want. @HornHead @AvarisParadox
Sorry answer was so short, something came up. But yeah, itâll work, for probably just one plant. And to get a good yield, youâd need 2 of them
Iâm m running a 400w cob that pulls 200 from the wall and two 300w cobs that pull 140 each in a 20"x36" tent just on one plant. Honestly I wish I wouldâve went with the cmh lights
Haha exactly my point brother all those light for one plant. True I agree or some cob leds or diode strips/boards.
Dang, ok thanks for the replyâs are there any lightâs that you would all recommend for what im looking to accomplish?
You want to keep your light about 18" away, more for seedlings. Depending on how big your grow box is you want to aim for around 30-40wsqft (actual watts) I have a 36"x48" tent so =10sq feet and I have about 350w of lighting.
Thanks Aolelon, for the general guidelines Iâll keep that in mind my grow box is going to be around those dimensions maybe a inch or 2 less. TDubWilly I think Hornhead already pointed out the mistake I made that you highlighted in your post but if 'm mistaken let me know. All that aside given the general guidlines of around 36"X48" is there any lighting system that you all would recommend?
Welcome to ILGM. One reference that you might want to get is Robertâs Grow Bible that is free and downloads from this site and the seed side also. It has an amazing amount of information for a new grower. Many of us here are using it or used it to start with. Robert goes out of his way to help us grow better.
The lights can be tricky when they put the information out in a way that makes you think the light will be enough but usually is not. Just part of the learning curve to growing good cannabis. It is really not that hard once you get started, it just takes some time to get it going. The plants are surprisingly tough and will take a lot of abuse and you will still have some butt-kickinâ weed ! My first grow was terrible compared to the last one I just finished but it was still better than most that I bought.
If you are going to stay around, start a grow journal and join us!
COPY/PASTE: This âSupport Ticketâ into your forum post. Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = N/A. This is a good way to get most of the information to help you if the plant is having problems and you are totally lost. (I was there MANY times and will most likely be for life!)
ILGM Support Ticket:
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)?
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container?
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)?
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type?
- Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off)?
- Of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant?
Type and strength of dose of nutrients used? NPK?
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps?
Humidity %? Day vs. night
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR?
Ventilation system? Size? CFM?
CO2? (Y/N)
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
Number âweeks or daysâ into the Season: Vegetative, Growth or Bloom/Flowering?
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but try to be brief and to the point. Short and to the point questions and/or facts will help us help you.
Good luck on your grow. Jerry
Sometimes I just donât get LEDs, so it is a 600 watt LED and it only can replace a 250 watt HPS and only 150 watt and pull why is this light like this @HornHead .?
Donât know buddy, I just go by what it says it draws at the wall
@dbrn32 would be the one to ask
I agree completely with you buddy I had a read off the link in the post up a little bit, but for a new gower it would be very confusing but we can get our new fellow through its the place to be for experience and information for sure
Thanks for the warm welcome TxGrowman, I have provided as best I can and will update accordingly:
What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)? White Willow(autoflowering) Gold Leaf(Fem)
Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container? Indoor in containters
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)? 36"X48" roughly
Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type? Miracle-Gro Seed Starting Potting Mix, 8-Quart the one linked to in Roberts â8 Steps to Germinate you Marijuana Seedâ
Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off)? Could not find the ph info on Amazon page
Of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant? 6.31 if the reference site is accurate
Type and strength of dose of nutrients used? NPK? N/A
Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps?
It coming up on summer where I am around 82f day 76f night after cooldown; Root temps unknown till grow is in process
Humidity %? Day vs. night: Donât know have a Humidity gauge in route will update as applicable
Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR? Still trying to figure that out and was the basis of the original inquiry
Ventilation system? Size? CFM? 4 inch wall powered fans built into the structure of the grow box
CO2? (Y/N) N
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? House has AC but the location of the box is considerably isolated from its affects
Number âweeks or daysâ into the Season: Vegetative, Growth or Bloom/Flowering? Havenât started
I would go at least 6 ft and although there are a little more expensive those CMH lights are probably the best going right now they got the spectrum of the LED and the intensity of the HPS and theyâre really nice on the eyes they donât put off that fake purple blurple you could probably get away with just the 315 Watt I think you can get them on Amazon with the bulb for around 250
Itâs not a 600w led. Chinese manufacturers like to fool their customers by using false information, they say 600w but what you care about is their real wattage. What it pulls from the wall. If it only pulls 150w from the wall how can it be 600w? It cant. So when buying a light make sure to look at the actual wattage.
Hey there @AvarisParadox and welcome to the forum, you would like an opinion on lights if you want to stay with LEDs then maybe a Cob or 2i have heard great things about them on here or a LEC which means, light emitting ceramic, these are very impressive lights, they come in 315 watt Phillips HID bulb or there is the 630 watt also hope this helps you .
Also those CMH lights they donât put off a lot of heat Iâm running 3 Cobbs in my tent and just two of them alone run hotter than the 315 watt I seen them the hydro shop the other day
The way they get the 600 number is they are using 60 10w led chips, but they dont run each chip at 10w, not even close to that number to save efficiency.