2nd summer growing sativa outdoors in Los Angeles

Hi All,
@AAA @Covertgrower

  • Blue Dream from seed
  • Method: Organic soil Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
  • Outdoor
  • No Light system
  • Temps; Day, Night LA this summer
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; No; outdoors

Last year I germinated seeds and tried to start them inside in a window but the seedlings would get leggy and then never survive the transplanting to felt pots outside. I was too neurotic and watched them all the time, overwatered or underwatered them, and none of them ever made it to harvest.

This year I started them outside and the one in the garden is strong and looks great. Please let me know if you have any advice or tips on what to do next. See pics:

I started 3 in a patio picker like the ones I grow tomatoes in. Just to see what would happen. I scrogged one and the other 2 are getting big. I’m afraid to transplant them but wonder if they will make it to harvest in the pot? What do you think??


It’s not if they will make it, it’s more about will you like the end result?!
I have tried similar, and didn’t like the yield. Granted, I had a small container and two (2) from seed. It served a purpose regarding my curiosity, but the proverbial cat is dead and I’m back to my one shot one kill,Oops,I mean one plant per container.
The Buddha is a nice touch.
I always leave the light on for Blue Dream. Nice pick. Good looking lady.
your screen name reminds me of the 90’s and the G funk era…regulators,mount up! :+1:

Best of luck.
SL out.


autoregulation is the state the brain goes into when watching tv or doing drugs…

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Looking great!

For the one in the ground I would suggest a thick layer of mulch and some companion crops.

For the potted one, I would like to see you get into bigger pots. You will water less and have healthier plants.

You’ve come a long way!


I have 15 gallon felt pots I can transfer the 2 in the patio pot into. I will leave the scrogged one in there as an experiment. Does it look like I should transplant soon?


I am aware of the Cali heat waves coming soon. I would advise transplanting before it gets too hot to negatively effect the lady.

SL out.


Looks good so far, as the others mentioned definitely need to transplant into the ground.

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No likes left. @Big123 grows in pots out doors here. He may have some thoughts as well.


I think they look great as of now. I would suggest going directly into the ground or transplanting into the biggest felt pots you can. Let those roots thrive :wink: Great job buddy!


Hope you have a great ladder and know how to run a chain saw !


My thoughts well.

My thoughts are that 30 gallon is the smallest I would go. They don’t look like a transplant is dire, but sooner they are in the new digs the sooner they can start to spread.

Also, I’ve prepared the ground to plant and then set my fabric pots on top of the soil. If need be the roots will grow through the bag into the ground.


Or splice the bottoms in 4 with a sharp razor so the roots can expand but if you have a big enough fabric pot like a 30 or 100 gallon , the tap root will stabilize strong for flower but hopefully you don’t have to many stalks to break from weight.


Great job growing the plants!

Some folks believe anything smaller than 45 gallons is a waste of time outside. I have had decent results with 30 gallon containers.

Any increase in soil volume will help, gardening Mary Jane is a fabulous hobby.


Thanks Everyone! I ordered two 45 gallon tan smart pots and will transplant them tomorrow night. Will keep you posted on progress!!



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So I’m going to transplant 2 of the 3 plants from the patio pot. (I’m going to leave the scrogged one there and see what happens.) I have Happy Frog Soil and two 45 gallon tan smart pots. I also picked up a bag of FF perlite/coco coir. Should I mix a little in with the happy frog to create aeration? Like maybe 15% or just the happy frog soil?

In my opinion I would choose one or the other, but not really both.
Coco has no nutrients, and happy frog has some.
Both have very separate ph preferences.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Thanks for your opinion.

Okay, I transplanted them and not a moment too soon.
Moved the scrogged one to the middle of the patio pot as well.


They look great! Glad you did it, you would have been fighting to keep them healthy.