24 days babies, thanks I❤️GM

Hello! I think my babies look good and I wanted to thank this community and you all. it helped with some great advice.
I grew before but with a partner who did almost everything. This time, I am alone with a completely different set-up, which I bought and built all myself.
Long way to go but i am more confident i’ll be ok. :+1::+1:


Disregard how the acqua valve looks like :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: it’s not connected yet

Looking good, how far along?

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24 days, I think they are looking good for 3 weeks and 3 days, only one of them has a little burn on the tip and a bit on a couple of leaves, not sure what it is, someone suggested lack of nitrogen (to which I replied "ok, so maybe it’s a lack of hydrogen :joy::joy:). I just started some nutrients, and I am using Sensi Coco, I will switch to Sensi Bloom later. The bit of burn was there before. On the seedling stage, I used some OxyPlus and Nutriflex Universal profile. I think they are not known in the US, but it’s oxygen for the roots and a formula x seedling. It’s not a lights burn, I am going to keep an eye and if it gets worse it’s probably Nitrogen


Those are awesome looking plants. You are doing great. :blush::v:


Thank you, :+1::+1: hopefully I won’t jinx it by “fishing for compliments” :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but I did read, watched videos and researched LOTS, with the bit of experience I had plus the awesome advice i got in here ive got to say i am pleased. :grin:

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I’ve only made it to 23 days to find out I had a true herm growing😢. That’s what I get for getting seed from a home breeder but was a nice learning experience. So I’m a pretty new grower but I think too much nitrogen would produce evergreen color.


Looking nice!


:scream::scream: oh my, so sorry. Let me go and check mine now :roll_eyes:. I bought them from a known seed bank but they can turn for several reasons. I would be heartbroken. Hopefully, you had more luck after that.
About the nitrogen idk…it happened about a week ago or maybe more. Maybe I used a bit too much of that Nutriflex for seedlings, and the burn is only on a few leaves of one plant and barely visible on 2 leaves on a second plant. I am doing 5, and the others have no sign of burn at all. I’ll keep an eye.


I just realised that i am a liar! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: i zoomed in on my plants and the tips of many leaves on many plants, are burnt. Again, ill keep an eye :eye:

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I’m sure you’ll be alright with a seed bank mine was from a guy who just sprays his plants with STS spray to make seed so I’m sure the genetics were all fd lol

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Looking Great Growmie, I run several models of the auto pots as well. I would suggest just layering the hydroton in the bottom of the pot and routine PH checks of your res :love_you_gesture:

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Hi, thank you. I use an airbase which doesn’t require the hydrotone, but thank you for the reminder. About the PH, I do have a PH pen, but I am using Sensi Coco and, later on, Sensi Bloom, which stabilize the water PH. I researched lots and Sensi, BigBuds and other nute with the same formulation guarantee the PH balance.
I hope what they promised isn’t BS

About the nitrogene, i got mixed up.
I asked advice not for the burnt tips but for some light green discoloration i have on

one of the plants, for that someone suggested the lack of nitrogene, not for burnt tips.
Same plant, still there