Yes is a good one for an Aussie from the North
Thanks man @Flyr
Thanks @Donaldj … sounds awesome
I got home today to find these 2 (AK47 & Nthn Lights) fallen over! Their stems are looking pretty weak at the fall point and I have propped them up with dry soil to keep them standing.
Wondering if this was a result of over watering last week and the stem drying out today and falling?
They’re 12 days old and other than this look great! It was a bit windy today and fairly warm and I had them in direct sun for 2 hrs. Any suggestions as to whether i should water the propped up soil in or leave them dry? They are due for a water but I’m thinking this could cause the stems to break completely. They are looking so fragile…please babies, hold up!
@Donaldj @Countryboyjvd1971 @3high5you @M4ur @Ragnar @cyberblast @Ron330
@Donaldj … Canadian cool I’m Auusie born of Canadian mum
They are streaching put something in pot to help support them and try to get them in more light
Lightly water when soil drys out don’t over water
@Countryboyjvd1971 thanks man. Yeah they streched a lot but I’m in a position where i can only give them 2 or 3 hrs sun per day. Apart from that they’re on windows sill. It’s weird it’s only 2 of 6. Do you reckon they can recover? Will stake them and see how they go
When do you reckon they can go outside in thr ground?
Hell yeah support them they should do just fine
As far as putting them out it depends on two things day light hours and outdoor temps
You want you day light hours to be above 14 hours in most cases in general you want to put them out when day light hours are getting longer and over all night time temps should be around 50 f min
What region are you from
Cheap light system built for seedling
Cheap led bulb (at least 12w,maybe one 9w for Each plant) whit cold white light… And do this like in the photo
Have mine under a 45 Watt 4000 lumen LED at home on a shelf. They are doing ok with it but had the light to close to start with, placed them them on a timer. Head to Bunnings many of similar sort of lights their to help with your seedlings.
That said mine is an out door grow and they will go to the greenhouse in around another 10 days and will be using supplemental lighting in the form of Viparspectra then.
@Countryboyjvd1971 thanks man. I did this to hold them up the other night. Amazing what a bit of Amsterdam motivation will do for you…
I’m in NSW south east. I’ve done this (as on the first pic) but they’re still fragile and not growing very quickly either. At the moment I’ve got my doubts about these autos i have to say… they seem kinda weak and slow compared to the photo plants I started last year.
They’re ultimately going in soil outside but think they’re too small, especially if the summer rains hit which they could any time.
What do yous think? @Donaldj @3high5you @timmyv324 @Powaforce @latewood @bob31 @Mudcrab01 @Sirsmokes
Either way they need more sun and that means they need to go bush…
Also, even though they’re so small a couple got 3 sets of leaves so ready for Nitrogen??
Here’s the rest which don’t need support
@Countryboyjvd1971 yep all good on temperature and daylight hours
@M4ur thanks i may try that next time. Where do you find these?
@Mudcrab01 thanks man. I have landlords near me so i have to watch not changing my electricity patterns as I’m a very light user. When do you think is a good time to put plants outside? They’re going bush but they’re pretty small…autos yet taking forever to grow. It’s been 16 days.
Hi there @Sirsmokes … you seem to have a lot of knowledge, so I thought I’d tag you to my grow journal
Looks like a bit of bush engineering there with the sleeves of dirt. I like it! That far south, the days may be getting short enough that it’s worth bringing them in and running a light for a while each evening.
Day 16: so here’s the whole family, plus 1 Ak47 & 1 Bluberry in water. I did this the other night.
Great what a bit of Amsterdam mmotivation will do for you…
Thanks @3high5you … yeah so far so good
The days won’t start shortening till March here, but i might take your advice depending what they do. Hoping you greenhouse is going well.
@Sunflower looking pretty good. Though the dirt sleeve is cleaver it’s not real good fir the plant. Your stem will not get rigid with the dirt packed around it. Try tooth picks or popsicle sticks to support them. And if you get good light in them they wouldn’t b so tall and need the support if that makes sense. So if you put a light on it will benefit
Thanks @timmyv324 … I’ll unpack the dirt and use something else. Re light yes that makes sense cheers