2.3x2.3 mars hydro

I have one ts1000 can I fit two… or any light advice on a budget


Size just fits space


It’s 2.3 feet right, so a 27"x27" tent? Budbrother was kind enough to post physical dimensions above, I don’t believe you would get to in as the one dimension is nearly 16".

If you’re looking to keep production up in space this size I would consider a single larger light.


I run an HLG 200r in my MH 2x2. It’s absolutely perfect for that space.


I have a 2.7 x 2.7 and was able to stuffle 2 150 watt units in the tent. this gives me almost 45 watta per foot right in the sweet spot.
you will need more light for good performance.
the tent should be about 27 inches squared and the light is less than 13 inches.
now you have 5.06 square feet. math works out to 40 watts per square foot.

shove that pair of lights in train the plants edge to edge. 40 is in the zone.

good luck with your grow

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Forgot to add. if you do put 2 lights in you will need to adjust the lights for a good patten. A basic light meter and pop sickle sticks to nudge the panel on a tilt. With a little time tou can get a very level pattern that stays level until plants are about 18 inches from light. At that point you will have 2 lights with a few hot spots and low spots.

in addition 2 lights means if one fails you can still keep going…
you will only need one light for the first 2-3 weeks saving energy.
Also a light that goes from one side of the tent to the other looks awesome.

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I was thinking about put the 12.83 and the 12.83 together and get 25.66 in the the 27 I have …I just wonder about the exhaust pressure I’m not running a inline fan yet was just thinking about getting a ac inline booster fan

It will fit. even if you have to tilt a bit.
yes your tent will suck in. There are lots or ways to deal with it like plastic hangers, pool nodles cut in half, and slim wood slatsbehind the poles.
I recommend airflow management soonest. out with the old in with the new. Co stagnation will slow grow. You do not need much with a very small tent. Constant in and out not 1 on 2 off.

Good Luck!

I also just realized the light is not square. I did not notice the almost 16 inch side.

Tents are flexable. The long side will push against the tent 1/2 inch a side.

I think it will work fine.