1st indoor run. Brown/Orange spots

Running my first indoor under ac infinity 4x4 light (forgot model name) using fox farm ocean Forrest as my medium and amended soil with gaia green all purpose and worm castings. Water when needed with filtered tap water ph to 6.5 and humidity is hovering around 55-60.
I’m in week 4 of veg and started noticing these brownish orange spots on lower leaves. Humidifier sits in front of oscillating fan and i am using the same filtered water to fill it up. My theory is maybe the water is sitting on the leaves from that and getting burnt from the light, but i really have no clue.


Welcome to the community Growmie, post some more pics of the over all plant :love_you_gesture:


Are you using any cal mag products?




Welcome to the community !

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Thank you all for the replys. I just got some calmag today and am trying that. Here are some more photos…the one with the spots is bottom middle. The other pic is of the lower leaf curled up, and when i zoom in, it appears to have a bunch of tiny white things all over.

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Actually they look good.

You get water on them? Looks like nute/magnification burn.