1st Grow ILGM GG4

My first grow.
Posted the stats in the grow support but I wanted to start a thread here for advice/comments as well.

Sprouted, sown, broke soil on 1/30/23 so that males it 5 weeks now?
Need a hand with the whole aging of the plant if thats wrong.
Had a helmet when it broke through, took a wet q-tip and gently massaged the pod til it was loose then slid it off with the qt.


Few days growth



Welcome, you’re off to a nice start. Plant looks good. :+1:


Your plant and training look great. You are on track. :grin: :man_mage:


This was done this morning.
Dropped it down to the bottom of the tent on a milk crate.

Did a good deal of LST to open it up more and gave it a good drink to help with the stress of the training.

I think she’s doing pretty good so far



I’m currently growing 2 GG autos. I’ll hang about for the journey if it’s cool.


absolutely … the more the merrier
(that works with buds as well as friends)


One question I have however,
I know that i need to continue to train i so it stays ligt saturated, but when do I need to stop trying to lay it down and let it just shoot for the sky?


@scotch2cubes I usually stop when the buds form. After that I have to tuck here and there. Looks like you got her spread out nicely. :v:

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Nice job!

Congrats Growmie and welcome to the community! GG4 is looking good :love_you_gesture:

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I keep the LST going until after the stretch or I’m happy with how the canopy looks. My main goal using LST is to expos as many lower bud sites as possible keeping the canopy as even as possible. This also helps tremendously with air circulation :love_you_gesture:


I keep hearing about “testing my runoff” and I am confused.

Is this a procedure for a regular soil grow or
does this relate to coco and other soil type media?

I ask because I know over watering is a plant killer and growing in soil I never get to the point where the water is draining from the pot.

350-450 ml every other day is where I am at now

:point_up_2: frequency related and not the amount. Soil likes a wet to dry cycle with run off on water or feed days :love_you_gesture:

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@OGIncognito many thanks.
that leads to my second question. (and 3rd)
Using the ILGM/Bergmans nutes.
The amount I mix using these is that supposed to be used in every watering or couple times a
week and plain water in between?
How are those charcoal filters that are rated to remove chloramine and various other compounds?
I have run 2 gallons through it and have it sitting for any additional off gassing.
As long as the ppm are below 200 I can consider it acceptable for use?

using a

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:point_up_2: Yes and no, this is where testing run off let’s you know how much nutrients are in the medium, if your plant is eating or not. I target 900 PPMs in veg and feed to approximately 20% run off, catch a sample and write the PH and PPMs down with a date. Depending on your vessel size the dry cycle could be 3-5 days then repeat the feed cycle and run off recording these numbers comparing the previous to the current run off. This will become easier with a few more grows and testing only as needed or the plant is showing you something usual. A water day in stead of feed would be when you run off PPMs are considerably higher than the input PPMs and watering to run off will help lower that back in range :love_you_gesture:

:point_up_2: no help here but see a benefit if your tap water source has a high TDS. 350 PPMs would be the high mark I think. A lot of growers here use an RO system and some cut RO/tap 50/50. My tap is 70 PPMS and a PH of 7.1 so I got lucky.

:point_up_2: yes

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Light seems to be doing ok with a single plant, but what do you think about a second SF 1000 in there?
I know more is better but for just a casual homegrow is it going to make a vast difference?

