Zkittlez Comparisons

Turns out my girl had nitrogen deficiency thats why shes so small for 3 weeks I thought the slightly lighter cooler leaves was a genetic thing ( from looking at jordana zkittle) but nope I threw in 4 tablespoons of blood meal ,8 tablespoons 4-4-4, 4 tablespoons 4 -8-4 (in case she flowers early) and in 12 hours all of her upper growth is much healthier deeper green , and gave her sister 2 tablespoons bloodmeal and will give them full fert treatment when they hit the 3 weeks mark(weirdly 1 is showing slight nute burn Mark’s and is super stunted for 2 weeks )


Nice work !!! I’ve yet to feed any nutes but am debating what type of experiments I should run on my three girls…

Definitely thinking about nutes for one or two, LST or topping on one or two. IDK!! Any suggestions of different methods I should play with ??

I know some decisions could affect yield but I’m using it as a learning experience.


If they re autos I wouldnt top unless you really wanna experiment they already tend to be smaller plants and thatll just stress them to much


Honestly, do it all and figure out what works best for your plants, what you like, all that. Its half personal preference, half what works for that strain. As @GreenSnek said, a lot of people dont suggest topping or fimming autos, but a lot of others do. I accidently topped my oldest plant trying to just pinch at the top node to promote more growth. My thumb nail was long and clipped her. That’s why she’s got the 2 branches stemming out but she’s been in bad conditions so for a month old she isn’t very big. Plus she’s only been under the hlg light for like a day or 2 now. But my zkittles seems to be loving the new light too. And it’s only 10k lux. Wish I could afford some more! That’d be DECENT!

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Here she is today. 5 days I believe? Lol.


Just took that.

Love this idea I have two skittlez autos going also a few seeds didn’t germinate had to toss but two did the ones growing a little slow and other which is some time behind just put in the soil today!ivplanted that last Sunday so not too badimage|375x500


Looks great ! Only 8 days old?? Wayyy ahead of most of ours lol what lighting schedule are you using and what kind of light ??

My 3 are outdoors and only getting maybe 13 hours of light


@shady424 looks good! Using nutes or anything? What soil are you using?
I’m doing g about 18/6 myself at the moment.
What about everyone else?

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@Shaggyi have it in a small transplant bag with happy frog from their I’m going in a mix of happy frog my own compost perlite bat guano bone meal and blood meal when and if it needs any nutes I git the general hydroponics maxi bloom same stuff Bill ward uses on his autos start to finish and he gets amazing results wouldn’t even know they’re autos except short

here’s a pic of whole tent just setup the 4x4 and loving it along with the hid light


That’s good to hear I thought it was slow growing to b honest with you the gold leaf photos took off a lot quicker but I guess with autos it’s different

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Looks good. I’m gonna use the ff trio when my plants need nutes with the florakleen flush. But they’re in ocean forest. So they dont need nutes for like 5 more weeks. Lol. Nice set up though. I wish I could afford a nice big tent and all the fancy nice lights. I wish I could get that hlg 550 rspec. Hell, right now I need to start trying to figure out a way to control humidity since I’m in my garage and it’s not sealed off from the outside. But I know a fan directly on the ladies is helping keep it dryer.

The zkittles seem to be slower growing I general it seems then
Because my ak47 autos are growing a little quicker as well.

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I just pieced all this together little by little was in a 2x3 tent before this it is nice with all the space though

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Good to hear I thought I just got some bad seeds maybe but more relieved hearing it from more people I have the purple punch Auto finishing Up now I’ll post some pics of the harvest in like week


I really do like this idea though of people growing the same strain and posting their progress that way you can really see other people’s techniques and if you run into problems have other people that may have the same like a communal grow journal @Shaggy


Yea, I’ll do the same. Except I might build a box instead of a tent. But I think it would cost about the same to buy one then to build it because of the lumber. I think after I get my meters and nutes I’m gonna get some sorta humidifier/dehumidifier that I could put into a tent. Then work on other parts of it. I wanted to get the 4" inline vivosun fan or 2 actually, for when I get or make a tent, but I’m not sure how well it would work. I’ve heard their tents leak a lot of light, and honestly they’re a cheaper brand, so I’m scared I get them and they suck. But I really dont need them anytime soon I think. Not even sure with my garage the way it is if humidifiers and dehumidifiers will work. Maybe being close enough they will.

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Well with it being a newer release of seeds on here, o figured a lot of people would have ordered them with the deal. So why not compare and help? I mean, we already do anyways, but usually on a single plant or whatever. So I figured let’s do this. See how it works out. Everyone has loved the idea.

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