Heyyyy y’all! Newbie here, I am wanting to do the HLG 260W For my 2x2. I was wondering if anyone has tried this before in this size tent? I think it will just barely fit, anyone think it would be too powerful?
I got some great help from some ppl in here already, so glad to have found this community.
This is the best way to get a straight answer. And if it evolves into your grow journal just ask a mod to rename it for you!!
There’s a dimmer on the 260, right?
As long as you got that I say go for it!!
I’m a big believer in too much is not enough! LOL
Here’s the lights in my 2.3x2.3…stupid measurements! LOL!
It is a great place. The mods do a great job of keeping out trolls and making it a pleasant and comfortable forum for all.
I am setting up a flower tent and bought the 260 kit for a 2’ x 4’ tent. Just wish everything in the house would quit breaking down all around us! Most recent - the oven just died.
I have 2 HLG 135 R specs in a Mars Hydro 2.3 x 2.3. It’s plenty of light for sure, but I only run them full blast for a few hours per day. Anything more than that gets the tent a little too warm.
HLG has a 200 that would be perfect
Welcome! A 260 is a lot of light for a 2x2. But if you already have it you could run it around 50-60% and it would be really efficient. The driver would probably barely even heat up. Is it a double slate heat sink? The triple won’t fit in there unless maybe it’s mounted diagonally.
Great choice for that size tent. I run the HLG 300L in a 3x3.
Better check inside measure of tent. Most are slightly less than actual measurements. And with exhaust running should put tent under negative pressure which will pull tent in a little too. I suspect 260 kit is going to be too big for most 2x2 tents.
Their new hlg200 would do. I’m sure we could find other options too.
I run a 300watt light in a 2×2
Sorry y’all! I hit my max comments first thing yesterday morning. Is the limit only for newbs or will it always give a limit?
I like the way you think @Tylersays! Bc that is exactly what I was trying to do, get the max lighting I could fit in my 2x2.
So I went ahead and ordered the 260 . If it ends up being too small or just too tight of a fit, I am going to up my tent size just a lil. I would be ok with that too bc I was having a hard time finding out what to do for the ventilation in that small of a tent. It is 55 in. tall so I was hoping that would give me room for the lights and ventilation…As I type, I think I have convinced myself to find a bigger tent
Well, now I guess my question is, what size tent would be the perfect size for that light??? I think I would prefer to stay as small as possible, but I am interested in knowing what maybe the biggest size could be too? You all are awesome and can’t wait to blow y’all up with questions.
@dbrn32 Could you pretty please make this my grow journal?? Do we get to pick the name of it? If so I would like for it to be titled ZenMaries 1st grow round. Thank you so much!
A 2x4 tent would be perfect. Still small but just 2ft wider. I’ll go ahead and set this as your journal
Oh and your probation period should be over so your posts shouldn’t be limited anymore.
Ohhhh no, I am sorry about that! I hope you are able to get everything situated. I think I might have to go up to a 2x4, the 2x2 was the perfect size for the area, but I reallyyyyyy wanted that light lol.
@Ontrack I most def need to keep the added heat in mind, thank you for the reminder!
@dirtydave I have no self control when it comes to buyin all this grow stuff so I already bought the 260 lol. Now that I am realizing I am prob gonna need a bigger tent tho, I really wish I would have gotten the 260 XL. I think I might call and ask HLG how much they charge to exchange it out, bc it was only like 20 more than the reg 260, and I really wanted the XL anyways.
@BobbyDigital I have nooooo idea on the double slate, lemme see real quick. Also, Thanks so much for changing the title!! Can’t wait for everything to get here so I can get started.
@dbrn32 Yeah I think you are right, prob gonna get a bigger tent, since I already got the 260.
@Aussie_autos Niiiice! So I guess that answers the question on if it would be too much or not, thanks!
If you didn’t get the xl then it’s a double. The xl is a triple. Meaning you could fit 3 boards on it if you wanted. The double can only have two boards mounted on it.
This is the way I went. Got the 260XL and bought a BSpec board and mounted it to the center with a second independent driver. I had no real good reason to do a BSpec other than stubborn refusal to be married to one light spectrum. My ladies seem to like it well enough and it’s flanked with lots of deep reds, UVs and IRs. The xl panel is perfect for the 4x2.
I’ll tag along if that’s OK. The 260 is a great light. I have the 260XL, that has been modified by adding a 135 to it.
I put an Rspec in the center of mine. So 3 Rspecs, but it’s in my flower tent, so need for BSpec there.
Yeah mine is in my flower tent too. I like the BSpec just for the illusion that the blue spectrum adds to more vigorous growth during that beginning flower stretch (which I still consider to be vegetative in nature, not really bud production so much yet). But I also have zero evidence, just my own internal musings.
Makes sense. Wish I’d thought of that.
Great journal already have some great people in here. Love the light choice and hlg will def work with you send then email they reply real quick. They also offer military discount alo try code Dude might get u 10% off sorry I didn’t mention yesterday.
I like my 2.5x2.5x5 by vivosun so it’s your call mam
If you purchased standard 260 kit, 32"x32", 3’x3’ or 2’x4’ would probably make the most sense.