Yellowed Leaf Tips

Whats up Growmies,

Seeing these yellowed tips on newly forming leaves. Growing in super soil (provided by a pot for pot). Bumped my ph up to 6.8-6.9 for watering. Just wanting some thoughts on possible issues anyone can think of. Want to keep her happy and healthy!

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It looks to me to be what’s called painted nails it a slight amount of nutrient burn which I like to see on my plants it’s a sign that they are getting the most nutes possible without causing any serious harm


Like @MeEasy said.


great relief then if thats the case, I’ll just keep an eye on her. Thanks brother!

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Any time, just @ me like this @StackSD if you have any questions and I’ll try to either answer or tag someone else to help… grow on and good luck :+1:

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push those bitches they love it right


Happy birthday Sir

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