Yellow/Brown spots!

Haha DD214 lol I love that name. I got me one of them framed in the bathroom.

Yes the biochar experiment has very little mg, but lots of insect frass ,shes growing flawlessly, I’ve bumped my head and so used to putting espom salt in my mix its hard to go against what the norm that’s @Budbrother

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lol…It took me a while to decide if I liked it, or not. Ended up doing 22 years! :joy:
I REALLY appreciate everyone’s help. I got some Cal Mag, today, and tomorrow’s feeding day, so…
Should I flush a plant that’s been flowering(about 10 days?)?
And THEN use Cal Mag?
You put your’s in the bathroom, because that’s where you spend most of your time? :joy::joy::joy:
Semper Fi


That would be for @BobbyDigital @Budbrother @imSICKkid or @garrigan62 to decide in not good at using cal mag or flushing, good luck brother

You shouldn’t need to flush unless your ppms are high. Your ph is a little low for phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. You want to try to get to around 6.5+ for those to be available. Try water/feeding at a higher ph to bring it up. Ocean forest likes to sit low in ph during flowering (I’m battling it too). You can foliar feed with cal mag/water solution ph’d at 6.5-6.8 until you can get your soil ph up. It has helped mine.

In case you don’t have a chart


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It looks like the others have you covered. I just wanted to say welcome to ILGM, and thank you for your service! :v:

