Strain: White Widow (from ILGM) Soil: Miracle Grow Garden Light: CFL 5000k and 3 6500k 15 lights total 3 Plants in grow room Temp: 83 deg F 28 C 4 weeks nowYes, Fungus Gnats in soil, and with Miracle Grow probably too much fert. Have sterilized organic soil (no ferts in it) and have transplanted one plant
Miracle Gro could have made the soil too toxic?
Are you saying you have changed the soil and are still getting fungus gnats? Of course over fertilizing can burn your leaves and cause this type of yellow and brown dying off the the leaf’s tissues – but so can over watering and root rot. Often excessive fungus gnats are a symptom of your soil being too wet too often. The over watering can also cause nutrient lock out which can also cause yellowing and browning or die off of your leaves. The roots rotting and or being damaged by fungus gnats and root aphids damaging the root tips can also cause this type of leaf damage. I recommend watching your soils moisture. You can even find a basic soil moisture meter for under $10 USD at most local hardware/garden supply stores to help you out. However, for most beginners it is safer to under water a little at first rather than over-water. Remember, in the wild, plants often will have to go a little with out a rainfall or such and a little wilting from being a little dry won’t really harm your plant. And is much better than the alternative. For beginners you should wait until the first signs of leaf wilt from the soil being a little too dry before watering the soil to saturation. If your soil isn’t drying out in about a day with a large fast growing plant, then your soil needs to be amended to drain better. Keep track of how long it takes for this slight wilting to occur and before you know it you will be able to tell when it is best to water just by glancing at our plant’s leaves, even before your average Joe is able to notice any leaf wilt. Also you may begin to see the leaf swell when too wet and will give a good idea to back off on the watering before you end up with a fungus gnat outbreak. On average you should also notice timeline patterns for each strain, where they will use more or less amounts of water depending on different stages of the plant’s life cycle such as the amount of water required will change during different times of vegetative and flowering growth.