All - Need a little help. I have 4 Gorilla Glue girls. All seeds bought from ILGM. They are all doing pretty good. I have one that seems like its wilting. Im on a 18/6 light cycle, using FoxFarm Ocean forest and watering every other time with Molasses.
The one that’s wilting, the leave are dark green and Ive moved it to be about 18 inches from the light. I have dont LST to all of them and have not had issues with the other.
Just trying to figure out what going on with this girl or nothing to worry about.
Thanks for your help.
First off, Welcome to the Community!!!
Experienced community members and expert staff will be better informed and more capable of providing a more informed answers to your questions once hey have an idea of what you are doing.
COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you aew not sure, just bring it to our attention. We will figure it out.
- Indoor or outdoor? - size of grow?
- Otigin of seeds?
- Regular, feminized, or autoflower?
- Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water?
- PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution?
- Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain.
- Nutrients or fertilizer system used.
- What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate.
- What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night?
- What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night?
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
- Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"?
- Co2 Yes / No?
- How long have you been growing?
- What budget have you set in order to grow successfully?
- If you grow hydro, then please explain your hydro method. DWC, R-DWC, Ebb and Flow, Or; Other? Other?
16b. Size and temperature of solution in reservoir?
Always try to upload a clear picture in white light of any issues you may have to allow the community to identify your issue.
Anything you feel would help us give you more informed advice should be included. Feel free to elaborate at the end of the survey.
- Indoor or outdoor? - size of grow? In door grow of 4 autoflower plants.
- Otigin of seeds? Seeds
- Regular, feminized, or autoflower? AutoFlower
- Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water? Water abut 7.8PH - PH down to 5.9 -6.2
- PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution? PH 5.9 -6.2
- Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain. Soil
- Nutrients or fertilizer system used. Molasses, and FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil.
- What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate. LED Light, Abriselux A1500 150W
- What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night? 65 to 73
- What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night?
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? RH is about 45%-55% and yes I use a humidifier when needed to maintain RH.
- Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"? yes, 4 in. AC Infinity with Carbon filter
- Co2 Yes / No? No
- How long have you been growing? this is my first grow. So, 6 weeks
- What budget have you set in order to grow successfully? What ever it takes (Within Reason)
How often are you watering? Also shoot for a pH of 6.5 for soil.
Watering about every other day. Using 5 Gal fabric pots. I can PH to 6.5. Im just adding a little lemon juice as my tap water PH’s to about 7.5. Thanks for your help.
Almost looks overwatered. If it was my plant I’d let it dry and then if I saw other signs I’d go from there. Maybe skip it and go 48hrs without water.
Thanks LuDog! I will let it go for another day and see what happens. Will post pics in a day or so. Take care!
Looks over watered.
Here’s a test… don’t water anymore until the leaves perk back up … then leave it alone until they droop again .then and only then fully water. That’s what I was told by growers here . Leaves with droop when too little water and too much water also
In other words, leave it be and let the plant tell you when it needs water.
This is completely different than out mindsets on most plants out there