Will they be ok

a tree cam down on my house and took out the power for the hole street my light schedule is on at 6am and off at 6pm they have ben in the dark since 9 AM I am 3 weeks into flower it won’t be fixed for at least a few more hours they won’t tur hermi from one daywill they need to take care of the plants before my house lol :open_mouth:
@latewood @Majiktoker @Hogmaster @bob31 @Donaldj

Just keep them in the dark until your light schedule resumes in the morning at 6. Don’t fire up the light today when the power turns on. Just keep them in the dark, they should be ok.


I’m 40 miles away from home my daughter just said the lights came back on 20 minutes ago should I just leave them on or should I have her shut them off thanks for your help

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Leave them on


leave them on! 2 votes! They wont know the difference


thank you very much I cant get home till 5 just in time to fix the timer I’m glad you guys are here to help :v:
@HazeBrain @Majiktoker @bob31


Since the light kicked back on already, yes, keep it on.

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Correct; The dark period is most important not to be interrupted, so one day of shorter light period but perfect 12 hrs. of dark. Lucky Man, :slight_smile:

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