So i was just wondering why is that i PHed all my water to 5.9 so i could do a flush on like 10 seperate gallons of water. I didnt get the chance to flush them and i checked my PH in the water again several hours later and it all went up and higher then what they originally was at for a PH before i even started. Can anyone tell me why this happens and how i can PH my water and not have to use it right right off? Thanks for your time everyone. Happy Growing
PH’ed water will return to it’s natural state if not used within a certain amount of time (evaporation and so on…). I have been told to never make up nutes or ph water ahead of time because of this reason. If you are going to do something like that, use reverse osmosis (RO) water.
I’m sure there are scientific reasons which there are plenty of people here that can tell you if need be. Let me know if you need a more detailed answer or help and we can tag some folks like @Donaldj @garrigan62 @Niala @dbrn32 @MattyBear @Myfriendis410
Good luck with everything!
Thank you very much. Its weird even with the cap back on the water it does it. I use tap water that i leave sitting out for 36-48 hours for the chlorine to clear out of it. Thank you for tagging them in also.
I just buy some fish tank water chlorine remover from Walmart or pet store. It only takes a smidgen to get rid of it.
I used different process, but would wait until i was applying to ph as well.
What process is that
I use an air stone and aerate my water and nutrient solutions.
The solids in the water drive the PH. Pure water will adopt whatever the PH is of the medium. Adding PH up or down will work to adjust the PH but normally takes a few treatments to properly buffer it. Hydro growers do this all the time.
So i am so frustrated and confused i use tap water thats been sitting out for 36-48hours with ph down to make it my desired PH. Now i went to flush my 3gallon fabric pots out last night and i could not get my PH to drop under 7.0 i tried flushing it with gallon after gallon of water and i even tried to PH my water at 4.5 and it still would not drop. I made sure i PHed the water rifht before i used it so it wouldnt rise again from sitting there. Please tell me what im doing wrong i got my ppms to drop but not my PH. Also im in root organic soil original. HELP please n thank you anyone
it is normal for municipal water to rise back up due to the pH adjusting calcium they use,
for pH to rise above what it was coming from the tap is not normal, this can happen but it would take days/weeks to change significantly.
i would check my pH meter and calibrate it.!
what pH meter r u using.?
why r u pH’ing down to 5.9, what media r u in.?
I wouldn’t ph until you’re ready to use it.
Its brand new i already calibrated it they are vivosun PH and TDS meters. Im pretty sure they are right on. And i PHed the water to 5.9 cuz my PH in my plants are at 7.2 range. And i dont PH my water until i am using it now that i realize it rises within a half hour after PHing it
a major problem here, cheap unreliable meters.!
the color pH test strips would be more accurate then your pH pen.
if u spend less then $50 on a pH pen u r wasting your money.
7.2 is okay in ‘soil’, adjust the normal waterings down to 6.4-6.6 and u r good.!
this should be done with either the test strips or a good pH meter.!!
Just how many gallons of pH4.5 did you run through? Seems strange that it wouldn’t drop at all.
Also Roots Organic Original, It looks soilless? If so, you’re pH will need to be even lower
Only two gallons at 4.5 i already put 3gallons of 5.9through it before that. It still didnt want to drop only the ppms did.
I had a cheap one ($9) that I’ve been using for the last 3 months and started to question its accuracy so I picked up a ph20 kit ($60). I was actually shocked at the comparison. The cheap one even reads into the 100ths.
I know my meter is on because i also have the drops and i got the same readings. Mine is like the one on the left.
some of the cheap chit works fine, but if u buy 10 or 20 of them u will find ones that don’t work so fine,
i see this with all cheap equipment, most of it works okay, but some is junk.
u and Craig r lucky ones.!!
with the ph20 u won’t have to wonder if your meter is right or not.!!
@Craig420Daniels what r your plants doing that makes u think the soil pH is too high.?
Hopefully I won’t have to calibrate this one as often. I was calibrating El Cheapo weekly.