White concetric spots on leaves

Hi folks, I noticed some white, concentric spots on my outdoor plants’ leaves, and I’m not seeing similar concentric-type spots showing up in google searches about what it might be. For background, I’m on my 3rd grow in my indoor tent, so I have some experience growing; however these outdoor plants are my first attempt at outdoor growing. I have other plants growing around the outdoor pot plants (flowers, mint, basil, peppers etc) that don’t appear to have the same spots, so it seems to be specific to the pot plants. Also, I check on the plants every day or so at least, and I didn’t notice any of these white spots the last time I was out there so it seems like whaever is causing the spots came on pretty fast. I’m guessing there’s only about a month until harvest for these outdoors girls. Any help identifying these spots is appreciated, hoping it’s nothing crop-ruining (or at least that it’s still treatable).
Anyway, the pics:

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Leaf septoria is a fungual infection brought on by too much rain and high humidity

Thats the worst ive seen

Wow you need to remove that and discard of it in sealed bag, but theres so much of it…i dont know how it will turn out

Ug…it has been raining a alot here.

@Medicineman33 When you say discard, you mean just the leaves with the spots, or more of the plant?

Any tips on a fungicide while the plants are blooming?

I think I’ve read about this before, and I’m afraid to ask, but does this look like bud-rot to you?

I guess I must have not been paying enough attention…can it really get that bad within a couple of days?

I started cutting the bad leaves off, but I’m pretty much butchering the top half of the plants…I’m wondering how much good that will do - meaning how well the buds will even bloom without the leaves to support them. And then there’s the apparent bud-rot, I suppose I just cut that whole branch off?
Yuck and double-yuck.
Feeling nostalgic about these girls now, I’ve been nurtering them since April and I feel like they’re doomed. Well here’s a pic of them from today for there obit.

They look alot better and may come back but this year has been absolutely aweful for outdoor growers with temps, rain, humidity, and bugs and its not over yet, at least around here

You should get rid of infected leaves snd keep them out of your soil they could have fungual spores on them

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Understood, appreciate the help!

No problem man