When to use Jacks Blossom Booster?


I’m in upstate NY. When should I feed my girls Blossom Booster?


Bloom boosters should be avoided. They offer nothing and create risks. Jacks Part A contains sufficient PK. Using excess PK does the plant no good and risks toxicity and it may submarine your pH.


@mikea103 agree with this statement 100%. Marketing gimmicks to sell more product. Keep it simple and less is best. Much easier to fix a deficiency than a toxicity issue


Snake oil, even. I have never seen them provide benefit and we have seen a number of pH and PPM problems from new growers using these products. They also distort your NPK ratio, making management of nutrients difficult.


I have used jacks bloom as directed with no ill effects. Not to say other bloom boosters have a negative impact. Just a personal experience with jacks. Is it snake oil, possibly. I always PH and check run off.

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I agree that they are unlikely to cause problems if pH and PPM are managed properly; however, I fail to see how they offer any benefit when the nutrient product already being used provide sufficient P and K. They are certainly not a good idea at all for new growers.


Great questions: so comparing Part A with Bloom.

Bloom has N 10% P 30% K 20% Sulfur 0.8% Boron 0.02% Copper 0.05% Iron 0.10% Zinc 0.050% Molybdenum 0.0001%. Manganese 0.05% magnesium 0.5%

Part A N 5% P 12% K 26% Sulfur 8.5% Boron 0.05% Copper.015% Iron 0.30% Zinc 0.015% Molybdenum 0.019%. Magnesium 6.3% manganese 0.05 %

So it’s not just a boost in P/K but an overall mineral rebalancing. At least in the case of Jacks. I can’t say for other products.
Again is it snake oil ?

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I think what I @MidwestGuy are saying is that adding additional NPK (Boosters) to an already balanced base NPK formula is not needed. The Bloom you’re using isn’t considered a booster :love_you_gesture:


Ya I don’t disagree, stacking is not a good Idea. I thought OP was asking about Jacks in his post. Thats why I specifically was just talking about Jacks Bloom. I was also just doing a comparison for informational purposes. I myself am still not sure if its a needed expense as the bloom came with the pack of jacks I bought. Thus my question is it snake oil as so many grow products truly are. Were all on the same journey


I just get triggered when I hear people talk about bloom boosters because they do no good and because they can cause problems, particularly for new growers who don’t understand how to manage pH and PPM.

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That we are Grow Bro, I’ve used Jacks 321 in veg and Jacks Bloom and finish in flower. Regular jacks, Jacks for Tap etc. I just decided after a few years of trying them all to stick with something simple as I’m often running multiple tents in various growth stages. I just tried Mega Crop on my last 6 plants harvested, it’s a 1 part mix and very impressed with the results :love_you_gesture:


I get it no harm done. The ladies salute you


When used correctly it can have some benefit. I do agree with others that it is not needed. The 10-30-20 is supposed to only be used for one week. The main purpose is to provide extra phosphorus for brief period. This will aid in start of flowering. Used for a longer period will throw off the balance of nutes and you will certainly start to show a deficiency. I have to agree that it is more for more experienced growers. The 321 is simple and consistent.


I used it on my last grow, did three waterings with it at light transition and went back to normal 321 after that. I seen no benefit or problems either way and I don’t check ppm or ph. I will probably stick with 321 from now on. This is my current GFOG at almost 5 weeks after toppings and some LST.


Agree, not sure if the juice is worth the squeeze.