When does the timing begin?

Sorry for the ambiguous title. I am curious about when to “count” the weeks for lighting and nutrients purposes. For example, I have two Gorilla-Glue seeds which sprouted tails after a day or so in water. I planted them into a seed-starting mixture a couple days ago and this morning one of them has sprouted. Hopefully the other will follow suit soon.

So, looking just for example at the Fox Farms suggested feeding routine, when do you start week 1? When the seedlings poke their heads up for the first time? When they get a few real leaves? When I transplant them into the final container?

I know this is an elementary question, but I wanted to get it clarified.



Depends on what soil you going to use

If using a Fox Farm soil it will be 4 to 6 weeks from your last transplant before you need to feed. It is necessary to monitor runoff PPM. The correct time to start feeding is when the runoff PPM dips below 1,000.


With FF you don’t need to feed until week 4-5, from the time the seed pops the soil. Autos or Photos? What nutrient line have you selected?

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These are photo-period seeds. I have the Fox Farm “trio” of nutrients and am using 15-gallon grow bags filled mostly with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, amended with vermiculite and worm castings.

So, since I’m using soil that is also fertile, do I start the feeding program at 4 weeks? Looking at the Fox Farms schedule, do I skip the “trio” for the first four weeks, then pick up the schedule at week 5? This is also when they suggest to change the light schedule from 18 / 6 to 12 / 12.

Get info from more experienced people than me… but my understanding is to give nutes at wk. 4 or 5 and only give 1/3 to 1/2 of the recommended dosage to start and adjust as you go. I fed 1x a week (sort of). :crazy_face:

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Don’t leave them in seed starter too long since there is little nutritional value in seed starter. 2 weeks maximum, 10 days even better.

You don’t need 15 gallon grow bags unless you are growing outdoors. If so, the plants won’t start flowering until early to mid august. The 15 gallon bags should provide enough nutritional support until the plants start getting big. Probably mid to late July.