What's he got cooking?

Goin great bro! My wife has been doing the majority of it since I’m on the road a lot for work :joy:


Thank you brother! :pray: It’s been a long road to get to this point :sweat:

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Having a helper in the house is hugely nice in a pinch.


You ain’t kidding brother! She loves doing it. Says it’s therapeutic :man_shrugging::joy:

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Thats facts lol.

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I’m inclined to agree with her

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She’ll grab the JBL charge and a drink after a toke and just chill/trim. :rofl:
Everything I learn on here I convey the message. Who knows , she may join here in a few. I got her reading a ton of :poop:. Especially Nebula Haze.
To think in the beginning, she thought I was crazy when I told her we can grow dispensary quality weed. She knew I was all business when I started parting with my audio collection :man_facepalming::joy::beers:


Me growing, is the best thing that could have happened. It is definitely my therapy brother! :call_me_hand:


Very much the same for me

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Thats funny with the wife (identical for me) now she lines up outside my stash room with an empry baggie saying “please sir could i have some more?” I sold a few of my audio collection a year or so ago as well. Now all equip from tent to meters are all upgraded and im beside myself with the last couple of grows! What ive learned here i couldn’t have learned anywhere else. Even the guy i used to buy from just asked if he could get some upon trying my grow (of course he didnt know i grew it).


I have to admit. At first it was extremely hard to part with my audio stuff(tubes). I sat there staring at the Scorpion Diablo on my phone and debated for a few days knowing it was the only way I could make it happen. I’m happy I made the move. :joy:


@The_Chef dude I’m jelly of all the fellas who can share this with their ol’ladies, I don’t mean I need a Cellmate in trim jail, it would just really increase my enjoyment tenfold if she was a grow buddy lol. Your lucky in that respect for sure bro. Way cool!


Still have some old tibe stuff.


Its a sickness! That St70 is the number one selling amp of all time! True! Over 300,000 sold. Factory builds and self build kits.


Those old dynakits are awesome man!

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That one is the real rare ones, factory build with serial # none of the kits had serial #.

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I had to part with 1 pair of 1952 black plate Western Electric 300b , and 1 pair of Gecovalve Osram Hammersmith 300b. I don’t have my Manley mono blocks anymore and said I’d never part with those tubes. Todays prices are through the roof. Lol.

They got me everything and then some for growing :joy:


Nice toys.


Tell her to come on over. She will enjoy and we have plenty of ladies growmies she can talk too and help since she also becoming a pro

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How’s your forbidden runtz coming along brither? Mine is super bushy! Having to do a lot of LST and probs will have to defoliate but I don’t want too if I can help it :rofl: here she is now about 23 days