GDP Autos. 1 plant has some leaf damage. I do not see any bugs. Is this nute burn or nute deficiency?
A support ticket will help us help you. Can you please fill out a support ticket? Please include what type of water you are using (RO, distilled, tap.)
COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non-applicable)
• What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
• Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
Soil brand and type
• Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
• Runoff pH
• Runoff PPM/TDS or EC
• Indoor or Outdoor
• Light system and wattage
• Temps; Day, Night
• Humidity; Day, Night
• Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
• Co2; Yes, No
If growing Hydro some additional questions:
-DWC? RDWC? Autopots? Ebb and Flow? Other?
-Distance of liquid below net pot (DWC)
-Temperature of reservoir
-TDS of nutrient solution
-Amount of air to solution
Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you. Pictures taken under natural or white lighting are by far the best.
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us to help you in a more efficient manner.
Need to know more about these but looks like calcium deficiency. Need to know runoff ppms and ph to make sure they’re not locked out. If you’ll fill out the support ticket, you will get better and more accurate diagnosis……
I’m sorry, i saw the ticket after i submitted. I’ll correct this, thank you.
GDP auto - ilgm
• Method: Soil
Soil brand and type foxfarm happyfrog
• Vessels: Pots 3gal
• Runoff pH 6.1
• Runoff PPM 768
• Indoor
• Light system and wattage - mars hydro led board - 300w
• Temps; Day, Night - day 82-85f, night 75 - 78f
• Humidity; Day, Night - day 50-60%, night 45%
• Ventilation system; Yes, 4in 200cfm
• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, yes, all 3. Dehumidifier kicks on past 60%. Humidifer on during lights on, ac also on all day, humidifer used to correct for that.
• Co2; no.
Forgot. Im feeding it foxfarm trio + beastie bloomz @ 1000ppm. Just Water, then feed, every 2 days. Was giving it some calmag but stopped as i thought it was causing tip burns
I don’t know what I bought last year but the ILGM code on the seed pack is BBK-FP20
- the soil is Miracle Grow potting soil. I flushed with tap water 2 weeks ago, otherwise I’m using distilled water. I put some of the flowertime fertilizer in the last time I watered.
-canvas pots
- grow tent in my screened patio
• spider farmer sf1000
LED grow light CR600
82° day/72° night
Humidity 98% day/night
Ventilation GDF100-P
Looks like calcium and maybe phosphorus lock out, try bumping your ph up to around 6.5 runoff
Yu should bring that humidity down to about 60-70% as well! And maybe think about a better soil next grow! If ur growing organic coast of main stonington blend in the best I’ve had thus far!
I think I posted in the middle of another post. I have grown once. This is the second time and I don’t know what runoff ppms are. Ph is 6.3
I’m guessing PH issues. That usually causes most issues.
What is a safe way to bring up the ph? My tap water is around 7.0. Will a good flush raise the soil ph?
Depending on what soil you’re using, you don’t even need to ph your water. I use happy frog, and organic nutrients, and the soil buffer your ph where it needs to be. I used to try to lower the ph in my water to 6.5, and I always got spots on my leaves. My well water is about 7.5 to 8, and I no longer lower it, and my plants are doing much better. Here’s a godfather OG that I flipped to 12/12 6 days ago. Not a blemish one on it.
@cwo that code is for Bubba Kush…
Thank you sir. I have gone through the grow guide cover to cover and the only place i can find a picture that matches my nutrient deficiency is on the first page of “Nutrient deficiencies in marijuana plants”. Dark green veins, light green leaf. Any guesses?
I just checked fmmy other 2 plant’s it definitely seems to be a ph issue. The run off on the other 2 was 5.5. Im flushing them now with just tap water to see if I can bring that up.
On my next grow im going gaia green to hopefully avoid this crap.
Numbers are not bad , if it was my plant Next watering I would go with a full dose of cal-mag and watch the new growth. Happy growing
Tip burning is a sign of healthy uptake. Riding the edge. That is where some of us like to be. Calmag as Kelly said is a good thing right now i think. So many growers neglect the soil life and i suggest any well respected myco/bacillus etc tea like recharge is a MAJOR help for cannabis. Ph finicky plant. Good soil life widens the ph range considerably. Flushing at times is necessary but strong soil negates many common synthetic nutrient issues. I am a firm believer healthy soil first and.plant follows.
I am feeling that also.
That would probably be a good move. I personally use happy frog fruit and flower 4-9-3 mixed into my soil, along with some other organic stuff, and then top dress with the fruit and flower once, maybe twice. I have a bottle of bio thrive bloom I’ll use a little of occasionally, and Recharge. That’s it for me. No ph’ing.