My seedlings are 2-1/2 months old have been growing in my window and doing very well they are approx 1-1/2 feet tall a mix of power plant train wreck etc. I just transplanted them to 5 gallon cloth bags and put them into my grow tent with the proper light and all the fixtures. They were root bound but they are in the mix of jacks grow soil with worm casing and bat quana as well as cocoa casing
Etc. I did not add any calcium as I had read with this nutrient rich soil it wasn’t necessary. But I noticed the plants have small white spots. On the up side of the leaves. This DOES NOT look like mold or spider mites. It looks flat can you recommend why this might be happening and
@Rescuemom3 hello hope you’re doing well. I’m not a hundred percent sure but it looks like thrips. Get a Jeweler’s loupe or an extremely strong magnifying glass and look underneath the leaves for bugs. Hope you get it figured out. Good luck and happy growing