Just woundering what this is, i put my plants in a green house and a hour later there was hundreds flying around , had to kill them with spray. But they was crawling up the side of one of my pots.
The body of one was light green, another one was red with yellow stripes.
@Lacewing Can you help?
@Beeken1992 they’re flying ants. We had them in droves in Montana. Treat them the same way as fungus gnats or they will lay eggs in you soil. Captain jacks!
Thank you for the tag
@Thatbaldguy got it lol
Is that what is doing this damage? And captian jacks do i spray it or how do you use that? Ima get some tomarrow.
Spray it directly on the little bastards! Spray your soil, your pots, the plants top to bottom (even in flower) and Spray around the pots. I always order a couple bottles at a time. I use the ready spray but ypu can get a concentrate and mix it yourself a little stronger (1 1/2 times strength) if you’d prefer.
@Beeken1992 after you spray you can sprinkle cinnamon around your plant and crawlers wont crawl across it. (Wont affect soil or plant) and keep up the captain jacks every couple days.
Oh and to answer ypur question, yes, thats what they do.
Flying ant is exactly what i thought also
Figured out i had lead septoria.
Any idea what causes that or how to gix it
Leaf seportia is a fungus that usually other plants have and spreads. In my case my tree and vines had it 30 ft away, dead leaves and the wind carried it over. Usually starts near the bottom. It completely devastated the crops. Not even worth fighting, you cant kill it.