What is going on with this

Are you sure you’re letting the soil dry and feeding/watering to full runoff when time? Getting runoff with a half gallon of water, in 3 gallon pots with plant in full flower, you may be overwatering. This seems like drainage issue, possibly air pockets or just still moist soil not absorbing.

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I ph 2 gallons to 6.5 with 3 teaspoons of tiger bloom and Big Bloom and I put them in at the end. I ran the water straight through the pots let it feel to the top and drain out and do it again I did that a few times

Okay that clears some things up. I’ll tell you what to do to fix this issue. It’s going to take me a minute for the Post

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Running 2 gallons of water through Fox farm trio salt build up soil is not what I consider a flush but let’s move on.

Personally I would drill a few additional holes on the side at the very bottom of each of those three gallon plastic pots.

You’re in 3 gallon pots. It takes 1-1/2 gallons of water/feed for each girl every single time you feed. So from here out you’re watering each girl with 1-1/2 gal of water.

How do I fix this feed/water issue

This is what you do first. (Let your two plants totally dry out. I’m talking dry)
You’re going to start feeding 50% of what Fox farms feeding schedule tells you to from here out.

1.) The morning of your next feed day
Get a 5gal bucket. Fill that bucket with 3 full gallons of your tap water.

2.) To that water add the following…
21 ml of big bloom
15 ml of tiger bloom
Mix well

3.) document your ppms of this feed (measure your feed)

4.) pH this bucket of feed to adjust to 6.5 pH

Proceed with feeding each plant 1-1/2 gallons of feed to each plant.

Important note
After you water your two plants with the feed above document the runoff numbers of each plan both PPM and pH come back to this post and post your results for both plant number one and plant number two.

Please let me know if you have any questions?

Also note it’s going to take at least 3 +/-days for this soil to dry out after feeding until you feed again

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Okay the above post will get you up to par on properly watering/feed for your two girls as long as you give them adequate time to dry out before you feed again. I can’t emphasize how important this is.

Depending on the runoff numbers that you respond back with, we can adjust your feed accordingly.

What to expect
Adjusting your feeds and properly watering your plants are going to help substantially.

However, 4 weeks in veg and 6 weeks in flower with not properly watering to run off could have done substantial damage to your roots zone using Fox farm trio nutrients. (Not saying it did but it very well could have)

Having poor drainage which is very obvious that you do is just another nail in the coffin for a sick infested root zone. (Again I just got to point this stuff out doesn’t mean it will happen)

Finding issues with your plant and making the necessary adjustments are good however you need to understand that it will take some time for your plant to recover. So patience my friend

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@Borderryan22 right so listen after I split the gallon between the two plans I empty my runoff bowls and each one about fill a solo cup

I vegged for about two months. I appreciate the help so much and I am going to do exactly what you said

How do I know if my root zone is messed up

You made some mistakes. You caught them. We’re adjusting them. We sit back and we wait to see her reactions.

Without physically pulling her out there’s no physical way to view if it is or not.

However, knowing what you’ve done wrong pointing it out and you making the adjustments are all in a positive favor for her.

Personally knowing the line of fox farm trio and how important it is to do the maintenance flushes with the sledgehammer when told in the fact that you have not can lead to incredibly salty roots.

Salt is the roots enemy

The fact that you did a little miniature baby 2 gallon flush probably did not much but I’m sure helped a little.

Moving forward I suggest you buy the sledgehammer if you’re going to continue to use these nutrients.

Back to your original question how do we know if your roots have been compromised…

After making these adjustments in both watering and feeding we should start seeing a different looking more healthier plant. If the plant doesn’t respond at all then we can arrest ashore there’s something going on in the root zone that’s not so positive.

Don’t beat yourself up dwelling on what ifs and I wonder what could you’re just going to drive yourself crazy.

Also a compromised root system will show up generally pretty quickly. Nutrient uptake gets compromised. Watering uptake takes a lot longer than normal. There’s many things.

One of your plants look pretty good the other one is a bit iffy. Like I said just sit back, do what suggested, and see what happens


@Lostgirl hey I do have a question real quick so my 250 w HPS light was about 10 in to 12 in away from the tallest bud so I flipped over a bowl and put it underneath the pot to boost me up a little higher we’re on my way, now it has my tallest Bud being about 6 in away from the light. I just felt like it needed to be closer but also kind of worried about if it’s too close. Should I leave it like it is

What I’m thinking as well, seems to be too often and their feet are staying too wet :love_you_gesture:

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They say that a 250 w HPS should be 10 to 14 in away from the very highest point in your canopy. I would try to get as close as I could to that point.

I would also fill your pot up with soil to the line that I’m drawing in each of the two of your pots.

I too have a couple of questions.

1.) when you’re finishing up watering do you ever have standing water laying in the bottom of that catch bowl?

2.) I noticed all the pictures that you provide me of your plant is next to impossible to obtain a really good view of your damaged areas.

If you can remove the plants from under the light and take some pictures that come out nice and clear that would help a little bit more.

3.) when you top off your two pots with the additional soil that I request you put in please use a solo cup to fill the soil and add to the plants pot.

Then tell me exactly how many Solo cups of additional soil you put in each plant (as this will change your next feed because you’re using ocean Forest nutrient pre-charged soil)

Also as we spoke about earlier frequency of the watering is too fast to soon. This creates major problems.

I know you said you watered yesterday with some Cal mag and that’s okay.

I’m assuming you did not water them today. You’re not going to water them tomorrow as well unless you can assure that the soil is bone dry

Let me know if you’re going to top off the soil before you feed next because we need to adjust your feed. If you’re not going to top off your soil then proceed with the recommended feed from earlier

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Well I thought I was watering right but apparently not LOL I was splitting a gallon between the two plants every day but whenever I do go to water I made sure the top two inches of soil is dry so that’s what made me believe I’m not over-watering

When I’m finished watering I dump my catch bowl and it usually fills up a solo cup perfectly. Then I put the plant back in the cash bowl in there is usually no more water to come out

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I took these pictures this morning, I did not water at all yesterday and I took the bowls that I had to boost the height away so I’m back at 12 inches from light to canopy

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Thank you so much for taking the time to take the additional pictures that are much more clear.

First off, you don’t have powder mildew and or mold. You can put that to rest.

Watering habits
I too grow in 3 gallon pots. I use a gallon and a half of water every time I feed my plants and it takes approximately 3 sometimes 4 days to dry back out.

By watering every day you’re not giving your plants roots time to absorb oxygen which they so desperately need. By depriving oxygen you’re allowing restriction of nutrient uptake and setting up your root zone for root rot.

I use weight as a water indicator. When you have a plant that’s bone dry in a 3 gallon pot it feels like a loaf of bread. When that pot is freshly watered and you pick it up it feels like a heavy gallon of milk. Get into a habit of picking up your plant and notating the weight.

Your plant will also give you signs when she’s getting hungry/dry (she’ll droop)

The idea of watering with more water is to wash out the old and replace with the new (nutrients) by watering with 1-1/2 gallons per plant you’re running off almost a liter and a half of water which contains old salty nutrients. You’re looking for 15 to 20% runoff and that’s what you’ll get with 1-1/2 gallons.

I made these little watering reservoirs that I actually leave my plant sitting on top of so she gets air underneath the pot. When you water it, it catches all the water and drips dry right into the pan.

All that it is is to Pepsi crates turned upside down sitting on top of a turkey pan from the dollar store

In conclusion, your plant needs dry time. Sharpening your pencil on your watering habits will clear up 80% of your problems…

Feeding nutrients
Fox farm trio is not only hot it’s salty.

There’s a lot of controversy on feeding and mixing Fox farm trio nutrients. Some use ful strength once a week and water only in between. (That can get very hot to a sensitive plant)

I believe the consensus are that you feed 50% of what they recommend every time you water gives you the better results. (This is why I tell you to feed as I shown above at 50%) try this as I think your plants will react better due to the fact you have an extremely high PPM of tap water that supply you with nutrients and micronutrients as well.

Just out of curiosity can you show me in a picture what type of pH and PPM meter that you have please.

Dialing in your environment
This is very important since you’re in a closet grow. In a perfect world your closet’s temperature should not go above 75° I keep my temperature during mid to late flower 72° -75° with a relative humidity between 45% - 50% last but not least, keeping air circulation going through the closet with fans will play a major part for the comfortability and lessens your chance of mold. Keeping these parameters dialed in at all times it’s crucial.

With all that said, it’s not much to get on top of. Your plant will recover and can take a couple of weeks to show improvement but rest assured it will

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How many weeks do you think I have left?How many weeks do you think I have left?