Ok guys. Still tryi g to figure out what certian deficiencies look like. What are your guys thoughts o. This plant. Im leaning towards magnesium.
1.Fox farm happy frog soil.
2.Gia green 444 top dressed last week.
3.Recharge with watering 2 weeks ago.
4.Boigie brew brewing right now for tomorrows watering.
Leaves come and go. How about pics of the whole plant?
Funny how I can type something and then see you post the same thing…Lol
Your plant looks fine. Were the blemished leaves off the bottom of the plant? It is normal for them to develop spots, yellow, and eventually fall off as the plant matures.
They were about mid plant but they were some of the larger fan leaves on the plant. I took 3 off total with the pictured one being the worst.I appreciate your input!
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