So this little seedlings was trapped inside its seed when I noticed and took the shell off I found these crawling on it? What are they what can I do?
They are tiny tiny little white specks crawling around. I do have fungus nats could these possibly be baby’s?
I see nothing you got a pic of the bug? Try Capt Jacks dead bug.
Don’t over water your plants.
No they are the first sign of spider mites i had the same thing happen the eggs must have been in the soil when i bought it but i had some seeds that didnt break ground after planting in this infected with tap root so after a week i searched for the seeds and when i found opened the shell with twisers and the inside had these lil white bugs so i tossed the seeds abd done h2o2. Soil wash then placed new seeds in soil didnt think they was still there cause the seeds popped and was growing fine no issues but when i went into flower i started noticing alot of lil white spots on my leaves so much that i thought it was powdery mildew so i took all my plants out grow area to clean disinfect got to the 2 effected plants and plucked one of the leaves off to try and rub off nothing so i turned the left over and saw lil white and pink bugs all over my leaves and some webbing connecting all the infected leaves id say start over cause they in your soil unless you get mosquito bisk or de in put into soil you dont want to keep going and have to fight them during flower like i had to do it messed me up cause ive never had any bugs so now all my soil is baked before i use and i use all my own fertilizers and worm casting im organic bye the way lol
Jacks dead bug works wonders id start now thise are baby spider mites before they get there color and i cant see them on the picture i only know what your talking about cause i experienced it and winning the battle i got about 3weeks left on the use ti be infected plants but i still use the treatments every2days for a preventive.
Thanks yeah I ordered some jacks dead bug should be in any day. But that plant is just an experiment kind of anyway my other 3 are actually in a grow tent. That one is in my bathroom under a spare light in used soil so I expected there to be some problems with it. Thanks for the help!
Most people if they reuse there soil they bake it in oven to kill off anything that maybe in it then add all the fertilizers and castings back into the soil with a lil water and let it set to cook for at least 7 days but my bigs came in some fresh unopened ffof soil crazy huh.
That is strange? What brand of soil did you use if you don’t mind me asking? I used Fox Farm Ocean forest for my other three plants and the are thriving quite well.
Fox farm ocean forest and happy frog is what i use
That’s crazy because those are well known good brands!
Ive had bad luck with ocean forest as well…thrips my last three grows. Each time was not bad and caught early on but still frustrating. I now keep captain jacks neem/deadbug on hand to combat em. Going to try a nee. Drench b4 i transplant and see if that fixes it. Keep Mosquito bits on hand as well. I heard alot of people never having problems with ffof…but ut must be a difference in the area or something idk…in northeast it comes with thrips!. Qnother reason to make the switch to coco
what about lighting schedual
I knew better to buy it all the jackslope stores around here keep …all dirt outside
i used the happy frog soil
organic here to ugh I am goin to do the best i can