Well my journey is over

Ive given up i tried everything my girl grew slower than hell during the whole veg its literally barely a teen at 7 weeks ive goven up on her and all the money and time i spent wont ever try to grow again 7 weeks and my plant isnt even 3 feet tall and today on of the tops that i had topped from the main stalk broke so im just letting her die dont even have the eneegy to water her i did everything fed her watered her took care of her im done over it ahes gonna start flowering in probaly the next 2 weeks its so small im not even gonna get an ounce so screw it im done everything in my life is falling apart marijuana is my favorite thing and keeps me going now ive given up on that i wanted to start a career doing this its my one love but i guess im just not good at it just like everything in my life i just wantes to do something i love and that backfired on me too nice good luck with all your grows i guess i just wasnt meant to enjoy my life

edit for profanity


Howdy Kurt
Don’t give up on her,she wants to bloom.
Even if you got around an ounce it would be worth it.
Never give up on life until your last gasp Kurt.
I "lost’ my family to scum and they walked away unpunished.
I have PTSD, severe depression,among other things because of this…
Growing my medicine and my dogs keep me going.
Look after your girl Kurt and let her bloom.


Hey pump the brakes my friend! There are many talented and experienced growers here that would be more than willing to help you get your grow figured out.


Howdy Kurt
I understand how you feel, I am like that everyday.
When you get knocked down ,you have to get up dust yourself off and keep going.
Show us a picture of your plant.
Lots of people here to help you. :+1:


Flower mode can make the plant double in size!!


I just dont feel like its worth my time and money like on nutrients and water if im not gonna get crap off the plant

edit for profanity

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The plant hasnt grown since like week 3 even after i transplanted her into a 17 gallon pit she stayed the same i dont get it im over it

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Im embarassed to send a pic of the plant honestly


Howdy Kurt
I have a plant that is an embarrassment,will post picture later.
Even if you got a quarter of an ounce of bud,it is better than nothing.
You will do better next time.
Will post mine later and I bet mine is something to be embarrassed about.
Have a great day Kurt and you have something to look forward to…
Your next grow. :+1:


Hey man I feel you! I started with soil watched video after video for weeks on end. Bought all the right stuff my plants looked like crap all types of issues first harvest didn’t even get an ounce from 3 plants! I was pissed. But let me tell you this my friend. I’m not a soil grower I suck at it . So I bought a 5 gallon bucket with net lid air pump and tried 1 dwc bubble bucket grow and omg it changed my life . Plant grew 30% quicker and a lot bigger ! Bucket kit was like 50 bucks online. That 1 plant harvest 3/4 pound . Needless to say I now run a full grow room of dwc

Don’t give up man if it makes you happy keep your head up


Some of my crappy first soil plants

Some people say soil is easier than hydroponics while some say the opposite.
Me personally if you can read directions and have the right environment hydroponics is the way to go


Dont give up man, on either! I started my garden to help me with life. Not going to lie to you it definitely has its ups and downs but being able to enjoy the fruit of your labor is well well worth it.

As far as the bud goes i killed 3 plants b4 having what i have now and it was frustrating as hell!(still finishing my first grow) i wouldnt had made it this far without the people and their knowledge on this forum.

Upload some pics and fill a support ticket out the best you can and im sure there will be some pros to chim in and help out.

Best of luck to you :call_me_hand:


@Superkurt420 @ThatHydroCouple
Howdy Kurt
Here is one of plants I am having trouble with.Over a month old.
I will persevere with her ,I like to try and save my troubled ones.
Second picture is another one that is in rehab.
The third one, I am doing in hydro.
I find hydro easier for me than soil also. :+1:



Hydro imo is so much easier. Just remember to be patient and relax


Hit the brakes bossman. Dont give up on her yet. Im curious as to what you were growing. Was in an auto or photo? That will tell us ALOT


Tried to post pics a bunch of times but the website wont let me guess i just wasnt meant for this i cant do hydro i have no indoor room or money to do that i can only grow outside its whatever maybe ill try again next year but i doubt it


I am one very impatient person but yesterday this plant was basically laying on the ground i didnt think it was coming back now this is what it looks like i got really lucky


She looks like a conpletely differnt plant over night i wish i coukd have sent the pics of yesterday


I put the other top that broke off into a glass of water and some micro by the window yesterday it was completely wilted now it looks like this lol maybe that will clone into another plant idk but this plant is really amazing to me compared to what it looked yesterday


Howdy Kurt
That looks great .
Well done, I would be happy with that :+1: