Week by Week Super Lemon Haze Auto

Oh, for sure autos will flower regardless of light cycle. Many auto growers are concerned about how much, as in maxing out light schedules, to give autos. Some do 24 hours of light, lol, a common light schedule for autos is 18/6. Thus, many growers wonder if 12 hours of light is enough for autos. Sure seems that it is. One article I recently read from a well-known breeder says that auto buds turn out smaller on a 12/12 cycle. :person_shrugging: Not sure, or how much smaller, if true lol.

Like you wrote, Kap, photo plantsā€™ needs come first. Autos do fine, and likely autos are supplemental plants for most photo growers, so maybe how much does it matter, anyway, to the degree that maybe buds might be smaller on a 12/12. :person_shrugging:

Due to summer heat and my convenience, Iā€™ve cut down on my autoā€™s light schedule, especially later in flower. Itā€™s on a 16/8 schedule now, and Iā€™ll be reducing it over the weekend, with higher heat this week and my plant being nearly done. All seems fine to me. :grin: Think Iā€™ll permanently go to a max of 16.5/7.5 light schedule. Cuz itā€™s more convenient for ME. :smirk: :crazy_face:

Not at all! If I donā€™t have answers, I can always tag my growmies. :grinning:


I have no idea if thatā€™s possible to actually prove. Since cloning autos isnā€™t really a thing (it can be done, but you get a mini plant) you canā€™t raise two identical plants. We know each seed has its own genetic code, so within types youā€™re always going to get some variation.

Jenny the auto is on the same 12/12 as her photo sister - and she looks to be an average size auto. Sheā€™s not setting the world on fire with her bud size, but sheā€™ll be decent.

I decided next time Iā€™m going to raise two photos of the same strain, those should be on a similar schedule and have similar feeding needs. Jenny is a bit POed at the nutes I brewed up with Ellie in mind - the CM appears to be extra hungry.


Oops, hereā€™s where Iā€™m hijacking @Moringaā€™s journal - sorry about that growmie.

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:100: There can be a fair amount of assumptions in the autoflower world.


In a lot of the growing world, actually. :wink: But yanno, former science teacher and all, I know what an experiment actually is. Or should be.


I grow my autos (generally) in my veg tent on 18/6. So mine are in different tents. But you can certainly run them together.


This lady is growing so well. Any thoughts on how close it is to harvest? Thank you


@Newt @4204life @kaptain3d @Twelve1 @Reed71 @Autos-only @kellydans

Any insight on how far away I am from harvesting the lady in the two pictures above?
Iā€™m about a week away from getting a loupeā€¦just wanted to get some input from the experts . Thank you


@Moringa I see few white pistols little longer my friend happy growing


Without some trichome shots, by best guess would be a week maybe two.


Very nice keep up the good work , A good guess would be a couple of weeks. After you receive loupe take a peak at the crystals. Keep us posted :v:


1 to 2 weeks maybe.


Iā€™m going into week 9 of the SLH auto. Are mine still capable of filling out. They look thin compared to others at this date and time.

Iā€™m assuming that is from seed. It takes 8 to 10 weeks from 1st sign of pistils. Guessing you would be on week 2 or 3 of flower?? Do you know when pistils appeared? That is when my flower weeks start. They have time to fatten up after the stretch.
Welcome to the forum.


Thanks @4204life
Im 56 days from sprouted seed
Day 43 from sprouted seed was 1st day I saw pistils
Started fox farm big bloom last 2 feedings. Ph to 6.2 run off last time was 6.3
(1 tablespoon per gallon)

Light is a little closer than Iā€™d like and hoping stretch stops soon lol but temp and humidity are totally controlled.

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Keep up the good work! If you start a journal, tag me I would love to follow along.