@Agrestic try clearing your history and cached data. If using your computer try uploading from your phone? The site wasn’t allowing me to post photos and i did this and it fixed the issue.
hmm. i tried it from two different browsers… wouldn’t that take care of the cache problem? i can also upload on the lab side. haven’t tried from my phone but those pics are usually too big and need to be resized and i can’t do it from there i don’t think.
I only use my phone. I have an Iphone X. When it doesn’t allow me to post I clear the history and it fixes the problem for me. Never had any issues with size of photo
let’s do a phone test
I didn’t journal this grow, but have to post it somewhere… I finally got a BOM entry and i’m pretty psyched.
I grew two white widows that both turned out great- super purple. this one was my fave. if you’re so inclined, please check out all the entries and vote! voting ends in two days.
it’s trimmed up and jarred. this pic doesn’t do the purple justice. they’re super frosty and kinda peppery sweet.
Just wanted you to know I thought your BOM was gorgeous and I voted for it
thanks so much!
Has anyone ever played with extending a 320 XL QB out another foot? I have a 5ft tent and i can see the dropoff on the edges and obviously the corners. i wish they made a 4ft heat sync. i was looking at adding an extra light and realized that was probably silly when i have enough, just need to be spaced out further. any ideas on how to easily extend this out so i can move the side boards out a few more inches or attach another single heat sink? @dbrn32?
@dbrn32 is our diy lighting guru here
I haven’t done anything like that. If you have something in mind I could help though.
What if you disassembled fixture and cut heatsink into 3 sections and mounted to aluminum angle frame?
OH there ya go. that’s probably the easiest solution… I’ll talk to a friend with tools and see what we can do. THANK YOU. I had way harder things going through my head.
That was first thought I had anyway. If you have access to a bandsaw would be pretty easy.
Yea i gotta see what he has. it’s a great thought. otherwise an aluminum frame and attach another heat sink but then all the holes will be off, but not the biggest deal.
any clue what’s up with the PLC guy and why those are so back ordered? not buying anything immediately but maybe in another few weeks. or i guess i’ll just try and extend my 360s. OR if you know anyone that makes a 4 ft slate. i have no idea where any of these things come from.
To best of my knowledge the plc strips are ordered when current stock sells out. I think he said that he made initial investment and the recycles profits into next order, that’s why he doesn’t have constant supply incoming. Seems like restocks are roughly 5 weeks or so. I also seen something recently that 301b chips are in short supply, so may be a factor as well.
I’m not aware of any 4’ slate. You could buy three singles if you don’t want to cut, but that seems kinda expensive.
yeah at that point mind as well almost buy another light. i’ll figure it out, thanks. not gonna worry about it with all of my plants in the last few weeks of flower but would love to get more light to those corners next run.
just seems like he’s been sold out for a year. it wouldn’t surprise me at all if supply was an issue right now.
Hey @dbrn32. If I did the strips… they’re 24" long. My tent is 2.5" x 5". would you run them along the shorter 30" edge or along the long edge? not sure how to configure or how many I’d need. thanks for your continued help.
i just drew it out making an assumption 3" to the edges of the tent and i’m coming up with 10 strips either way. i think.
Good question! I suspect you would have pretty vood results regardless of how the strip orientation is. However, 10 not a great number if still looking at photo boost strips. 8 will fit on hlg-320h-c1400 driver in series. More than that and you should go to two smaller driver setup. With 8 I think it makes more sense to do 4 rows of two strips end to end. This is fixture that gg recommends for 2x4, but would still be prerty nice light in your space.
ok thanks. i love the QB but as we were talking about earlier it’s not getting the corners. if it happens to be an upgrade even better.
ooh i can reuse the driver from the 320… lovely
A 320 xl kit? The current and voltage specs on the driver for that kit are a little different.
oh poop ok just saw the 320 in the name and made an assumption.
are these strips and upgrade beyond the coverage? i did find someone to cut up my 320 heat sink but not sure i wanna go that route yet.