Watering and Nutrients

When watering in the vegetative stage do you use nutrients (with the proper mixture ratio) every time you water?


Welcome to the forum.

It depends. How much a plant eats is dependent on the environment it is provided. It’s best to maintain a runoff PPM of ~1,000 for veg and flowering. PPM stands for parts per million and is a measure of dissolved solids (nutrients) in the water that runs out the bottom of the pot when you water. You’ll read of PPM, EC, and TDS. They are all the same - different ways of measuring the same thing. Apera and Bluelab both make good PPM meters.

Suggest also measuring and managing runoff pH so that you avoid out-of-range pH values that cause the plant to have problems absorbing nutrients from the soil.


:point_up::100::fire::point_up::100::fire::point_up::100::fire::point_up::100::fire::point_up: @MidwestGuy once again spot on :sunglasses:


Exactly what @MidwestGuy said, the answer is always it depends. It’s never this is the way.

How far into veg are you? What soil are you using? Some soils comes heavily charged and won’t need feeding for many weeks.

Environmental factors play a role in how much nutrient, lighting, water a plant can take.

My suggestion is, get the ph/ppm meters. Start slow and low and increase until you get to 1000ppm if the plant drops before that it’s okay just back it off.

When you see runoff ppm exceed your input that’s an indicator she’s not using as much.


Depends on your grow medium…


Welcome, and it can vary as others have said.

Typically, if you are in soil, it’s something like feed, water, feed, water, or 2 waters between feeds.
Lots of people take tds readings of their runoff to help determine exactly when to feed how much to push their plants to the max.

But it really depends on a lot if factors to advice you properly.

Can we see pictures of the plants and what are they growing in as in what kinda soil or other medium, size of pots, what nutrients you have to feed them?
With this info we can give ya a tailored answer :wink:

Heres some of mine growing now

Oh and nice name, I ride a 2014 fat boy :grin:


@1HappyPappy ill be waiting for my invite to the trim par-tay!!



You can definitely get an invite but they’ll be no trim jail here my freind.
I use an oven bag and fryer baskets to trim mine.
It’s so fast and makes good looking nugs.

Thats basically all I use after cutting the un-trimmed buds off the stems, i put them in the oven bag and blow it up like a balloon and shack the heck out of it.
All the dry leafs and hairs crumble up and i dump it into the fryer basket and sift out the clean nugs.

It’s freaking amazing imho :sweat_smile:


@1HappyPappy so you hang the whole plant and then when dry, you just shake n bake?


Pretty much, usually hang branches rather then entire plant. And I do pull fan leaves not covered in trichomes off before I chop it, like i just give it a good strip by hand then chop and hang.

But once dry its shake and bake :grin:
I make alot of concentrate anyways so I’m not “loosing” anything from whatevers knocked off the outside layer. Some people dont like the idea of it but I can go trough what took 16+ hours by hand in a couple hours this way.
Go through 16 oz by myself in well under and hr, maybe 30mins and it’s in grove bags done…


@1HappyPappy i do alot of hash and concentrates too. I have a few lbs of trim and popcorn buds that need to be processed into hash and then pressed.


Taking notes… :+1:

My belle of the ball-Strawberry Cough only given nutes when I transplanted -BUT I am using living,recycled soil-so that could be consider cheating?

I put her outside as a seedling on May 12th.

SL out


Does the hash resemble the stuff that used to be around back in the 70’s ? That used to be some badass hash. Red Lebanese and Black hash, Blond hash…


Im doing something wrong then. Mine started from a seedling on May 18th.


Doing nothing wrong, environmental differences and genetic play a huge factor.


@Autos-only Well said.

Oh, no please do not assume that. Like I said. SC was the most impressive. Genetics and METH in my soil :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Healthy is everything, and yours look good :+1:

I was simply stating that my container has had no-till, lasagna layering of nutes over the years- and maybe I am finally seeing some benefits. :thinking:

SL out.


I didn’t tally that into the equation, thank you.

Thats is interesting… METH ? Huh?
So no top dressings?

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I shouldn’t smoke and reply :rofl:

No METH in the soil. I top dress with Build A soil products(last year, Reamend, this year-craft blend)and compost/earthworm castings when needed. I also use Aloe Vera flakes and coconut water(Harmless Harvest). I also run cover crops, and then that is also turned into mulch.
Then in the off-season I fertilize and I keep cover crops going and the soil alive.
I also add dry ferts to my compost pile,and let that cook over the winter. The cover crops that are not used as mulch are tossed back into compost bin.

Years ago I set out to make water-only soil,so to speak.
I don’t get as much direct sun as I would prefer-about 9 hours.
My irrigation is auto, and runs every morning at 0600hrs.

SL out.


We need to talk. This is what i enjoy doing. Making my own soil. I’ve been attempting to make my own but i cant get it right. Can you help me ? What are the things to use?