Washing buds, Yay or Nay?

Should I wash my buds after curing or before?or should I do it at all? What’s the pros and cons to washing buds, and how would one go about it? Thanks


I am a proponent of bud washing right when they are cut down. Wish I could find the link I had. I am sure another grower will chime in.


I agree, wash upon cutting, before hang and cure.
For my outdoor plants, definitely.
Indoor plant, maybe, got to think about it.
No Cats, dogs, or children.


What does washing them do?

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Always wash. Indoors or out. Specially for a prolonged dry period. Do it once, see what’s left behind and you’ll never look back.

That said I have skipped from time to time. Wish I didn’t.


I started washing my buds a few years ago after someone showed my why they did it. The stuff that washes off will blow your mind. Its never adversely affected the the potency. You want to do it before you hang the buds to dry.
I use water, lemon juice and baking soda in the first bucket. Peroxide and water in the 2nd bucket and clean water in the 3rd bucket.
Check out the color of the water in the first bucket


¹Definitely wash before if doing so, as soon as you chop em before you hang em to dry. ²Only necessary if you have PM, bugs, use of pesticides, dusty areas, etc. ³pros are you make the cannabis smokeable & or edible.³½ usually goes h202 water dip, lemon & baking soda water dip, plain water dip., but can vary.:rooster:


Mandatory for outdoors. Birds, bugs, dust, dirt rain etc.
Inside, you still get dust and crud. Animal hairs. And of course it is a must if any mold was present. Washed bud also feels different. It feels really nice. Like fresh bed sheets out of a dryer.
It adds a step and requires a little more room. I think it also slows the drying process down.
Going for a little dip in baking soda wash

I follow Spliff seeds method
spliffseeds DOT nl/harvesting-cannabis-with-bugs-or-mildew/


I always wash my buds at harvest. I use a 2 stage wash.

Prior to my current grow, wash 1 was 1 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide in 3 gallons of distilled water, and the 2nd in plain distilled water.

This grow I am stepping it up and my first wash will be in 1 gallon of Hypochlorous Acid with 2 gallons of distilled water, let drip-dry then rinse in plain distilled water.

Even a plain water bath will wash out hairs, fibers, dust, and the like. But the H2O2 (or HOCL) will also kill any spores of mildew or mold that may be hiding.


For sure wash. 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup baking soda in 5 gal of water, then pure water for rinse. I do it every time.


Cold water I would imagine?

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Bud washing is great if you are growing outdoors and its good when ur growing inside aswell it helps to get bugs and hair and dust off ur flowers it doesnt hurt the the trichomes just as long as u dont use ice cold water if u use ice cold water you will have ur trichomes break off and u dont want that ,you always wash ur flowers before you dry them .me personally i don’t do it as i really just want to hang my plants and dry them

I washed my buds once. What was left in the bucket was so minuscule I never did it again. If I had pest or mold I would