My acinfinity controller says 1.92 vpd what is it and is it bad ?
Vapor pressure deficit. Yours is too high – it should be close to 1.0. Either your temp is too high or humidity too low or – most likely – both.
See this ILGM guide to learn about VPD.
Im not good at rocket science let alone math which i failed every year lol. My humidity is %48 and my temp is 79f, ill try to find a youtube because imma need to be told in toddler terms .
Here’s a chart from the guide I linked that shows the VPD each combination of temperature and humidity produces – you’ll need to zoom to make it legible:
As you can see, 79° and 48% RH should make your VPD = 1, so at least one of the values you’re reading must be wrong.
VPD > 1 means the air is drawing moisture from your plant. VPD < 1 means the plant can’t transpire as much as it should. Obviously, small deviations either way are unavoidable and acceptable. But 1.92 – if that number is correct – is much too high.
I wouldn’t chase VPD numbers Grow Bro. Keep the temps and RH in range of the growth stage.
Weeks 1-3 temps at 74-84 RH around 75% on week 1 and 2 then down around 65% for week 3.
Same temps for early veg. Remaining of veg you can lower temps and RH. Temps around 70-82 and an RH of 60%
Flower temps around 68-78 with an RH of 50-55%
My vpd is at 1 with spraying water around got humidity at 62% so i think i got confused and confused others lol either way i appreciate the help from anyone.
Hey can i ask do you have a cloudforge t3 and if so how long does the 4.5 liters last for you ?
I have one in my 2’ x 4’ x 7’ tent. If my lights are cranked on a warm, dry day, my T3 needs a refill every 24 hours or so. If the days are cooler and moister, it can go for days without a refill.
Amen. Some things we can get close. Close is good enough. Perfection in nature is non existent. Chasing for perfect conditions can become a serious pain in the butt.
Yes I run a few of those. Approximately 12-16 hours run time depending on the setting you choose . Here’s 1 fogging some seedlings
Why are you people so fricken neat and tidy lmao. If i dont get dirty I feel I am slacking. Napkin? Why? I have a shirt
Glamour shot Brother
Good point. I set mine to (try to) maintain VPD = 1. If my exhaust fan is running at high RPM to keep the temperature down, the T3 may run continuously at max output without ever reaching its target. But at least it increases the humidity.
Dude, I’m laughing my arse off.
My wife doesnt. She hands me a paper towel. I set it aside and just use my shirt…. We wash clothes and my pile is almost all shirts grin. Navy would kill me now.
I dig it. I was USAF 24 years. I wipe my nose with the sleeves. Left and right, the other hand has something else
Ty for the service. Son returns in 2 weeks. 10 month carrier deployment. 5 in China’s face and 5 doing some BAD things to the terrorists. His first long deploy as a Chief. He is an ATC and fixed wing/helo expertise. Glad he is returning. They had some close calls with drones. For some reason only Israel strikes are mentioned. Not the hits we are doing.
Enjoy the reunion with your son, proudly so. Pass my thank you to him.
Ty Airman.
Hey sorry for coming to this 3 days later but i got the t3 do you think vpd or auto is better for the settings ?