Very slightly white leaf tip

Hey yall, so my girl is 3 weeks old and growing very well. I have not given nutes yet because the cotelydons are still green but ive noticed whiteish yellow tips on new leafs. Also their slight upward ‘fold’ makes me think they have too much light… my lux meter tells me theyre getting about 18 000 lux at canoppy level and light is way far away (1000 watt LED). I dont have ppm read and soil has no added nutes, but it does have some compost and horse manure. Ive been watering less and less with bigger doses as shes been getting older, and this is first time ive let her go 3 days without water to simulate a little drought. Anyways here are the pics, pls give me yalls opinion, should i give her her first 1/4 dose of nutes tonight for her watering (im thinking of giving her 2L water for 17L pot ive been giving her about 1L every 2 days upping by 100-200 cl per watering).

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Looks good. Chlorophyll may not have completely filled in on that new growth yet.

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Oh yea and i forgot to mention soil pH is 6.5 and i give her water around 6.5-7pH using lemon juice to bring pH down, but my tap water is pretty clean and is like 7.5pH normaly so i dont have many problems there. Dont have ppm read on tap water either.

Nothing to worry about

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@BobbyDigital @MattyBear thanks for the quick replies ! This is sort of unrelated but i just checked soil (its not the best soil because its a little clumpy) top inch is dry but bellow that is damp and packed, havent watered in 3 days, should I give her another dry day or is keeping ‘deep’ soil dark and damp good ? And i dont mean wet just compact and cooler to the tough than dry soil which doesnt feel cool or hot.

I’d wait until your pots are light to lift and consumed most the water before feeding again. That’s if your in soil. If you are in coco, you should be watering to keep medium moist at all times.

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@MattyBear im in soil, however there is some coco fibers in it (this soil is quite mixed with a little bit of sand, little bit of clay, little stones, little bit of coco fibers, compost, etc…) I’m quite confused on how dry is too dry though… everyone seems to have their opinion on the dangers pf dry spots vs getting the soil nice and dry amongst other opinions. Also pot is heavy without soil since its clay pot haha, but it doesnt feel water logged.

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With all that stuff in your mixture, you’re gonna have to go by feel on the pots and when to water. When they are thirsty, they will droop and let you know they are thirsty


@MattyBear so i waited about an hour after your comment and the top leaves started to droop, the bottom were as straight as before. I took it as a sign and gave my girl her much needed water, 2L at 6.5 pH. Now its been about 1h and shes still drooping… temp is at 71 F or about 22.5 C. Thoughts ?

Give them some time to get right after watering. They can drop for a couple hours sometimes

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@MattyBear thanks, im probably over thinking. Its my forst grow so i get worried for my girl easily :sweat_smile:

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No worries, we’ve all been there. Just don’t over love them :wink:

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