Has anyone have the experience of using the Fox Strawberry Fields soil mixture? I’m contemplating doing a 50/50 mix of it with the Oceans along with a couple quarts of percolate… Its supposed to be geared towards flowering/fruit production. Just curious if anyone has any good…or bad things to input.
Looks like those Fox Farm lines all have around the same stuff in them, the Strawberry Fields, Lucky Dog, Happy Frog, Light Warrior. I have only used the FFOF, but I know the happy frog mixture is great.
I would think you would be fine using it especially mixing with happy frog.
Thanks !! I’ll probably run to a local nursery here that offers their line of goods. All of my other starter stuff should be here by the mid part of next week to get started. Pretty excited to do this first grow.Im sure it will be quite the learning experience.
Check out the NPK the ocean forest is rich “hot” soil and happy frog is less of a hot soil. I use happy frog to germinate. Light warrior is also good for germinating. Not really familiar with some of the other ones in the line.