Unflushed harvest makes me lose sense of taste. Anything I can do to bud?

I harvested an ounce of my crop a few weeks early and wasn’t able to flush it. I smoked a few small buds after drying before putting the rest up to cure and completely lost my sense of taste for 24 hours.

Is there anything I can do to the ounce that’s curing to remedy this or will curing help with it?

Is it even safe to smoke?

Nutrients are as follows from Advanced Nutrients, if it matters.

Sensi pH Perfect A&B for Coco (8ml per gal)

B-52 (4ml per gallon)

Big Bud Coco (4ml per gallon)

Bud Candy (4ml per gallon)

The “advantage” of flushing prior to harvest has been thoroughly debunked in multiple studies. Testers actually had preference for unflushed product in most of those studies.

I’ve never heard of a lost of taste or smell from cannabis consumption. A proper dry and cure produces the best tasting, best smelling weed.

A good cure will eliminate chlorophyll from your weed. You may have a chlorophyll allergy, or maybe do a COVID test. I lost my taste and smell when I had COVID.


To flush or not to flush really has no effect on flavor, aroma or potency. There have been blind studies to this effect. You say a few weeks early, typically cannabis harvested prior to at least seeing milky trichs produces racy-headachy weed regardless of strain or Sat vs Ind.

In ref to early harvests, the chloro needs to completely break down, when it doesn’t, it tastes smells like hay or freshly mowed grass. A good slow 10 day dry and proper cure takes care of that.

Me n You Midwest. Brilliant minds an all that’




Or maybe a mold allergy if there was any powdery mildew? Or pollen, from non cannabis plants. We had more pollen flying around this spring than I can remember.

Maybe try a bud wash. If you have not before.?

I have also not heard of that as a symptom to a cannabis allergy. Usually vomit, nausea, and paranoia. Not saying you are lying, promise, just if you had an allergy, it’s more likely from the cannabis itself and not something left behind from skipping a root flush.

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My taste came back after 24 hours. I never had a temp. I also never contracted covid this whole time and have had antigen test done to verify that.

I did a quick google search and it came up and I figured that was the cause.

I did also mow the yard yesterday but I have no known allergies and this has never happened before.

I thought I’ve seen people say that about flushing, but I haven’t dug deep into it.

The guy guiding me on my 2st grow swears by it and seems every site I’ve read say to flush still.

Not that I don’t believe you because what you’re saying is what I thought to be the case.

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